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548 Study Matches

PSCI 23-092 EA8192 A Phase II/III trial of Durvalumab and Chemotherapy for Patients with High Grade Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer Prior to Nephroureterectomy

This trial is comparing outcomes of cisplatin eligible vs cisplatin ineligible high grade urothelial cancer patients treated with accelerated therapy vs gemcitabine and durvalumab followed by surgery.

Participants will need to complete all study visits, agree to having surgery and to make sure to tell the study team if they are having any side effects.


Monika Joshi 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Patient must be ≥18 years of age.
Patient must have the ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document
Patient must have a diagnosis of high grade upper tract urothelial carcinoma proven by biopsy
Patients must not have any component of small cell/neuroendocrine carcinoma
Patients must not be pregnant or breast-feeding

Exclusion Criteria:
Patients must have no evidence of metastatic disease
Patient must not have another active (or within two years) second malignancy
Patient may have a history of resectable urothelial cancer
Patient must not have any uncontrolled illness
Patient must not have received prior systemic anthracycline therapy
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Hershey, PA ,

Cognitive and Social Factors Underlying Spoken Language Use

The central purpose of this research is to understand how language users produce and comprehend speech. To do this we ask participants to record speech, make judgments on the speech they hear, and work with a partner on simple language tasks.


Navin Viswanathan
Navin Viswanathan - at
Communication Sciences and Disorders (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
English Speakers
Between 18 and 65 years of age

Exclusion Criteria:
Those with diagnosed speech, hearing or language Issues
Language & Linguistics
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State College, PA ,

A Phase 1/2, Open-label, Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Anti-Tumor Activity Study of Repotrectinib in Pediatric and Young Adult Subjects with Advanced or Metastatic Malignancies Harboring ALK, ROS1, or NTRK1-3 Alterations (CARE)

Repotrectinib for cancer that has returned or is not responding to treatment

If you agree to take part in this study, you will need to visit the study site regularly and follow the study procedures listed later in this document. You will be told what these procedures are and why they are needed. These procedures include interviews, exams, heart testing, tumor assessments, and blood and urine samples. You will be asked to take the study drug Repotrectinib. This is a capsule to be taken orally.


Valerie Brown
Suzanne Treadway - at or 717-531-3097
Pediatrics: Hematology/Oncology (HERSHEY)

This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
You have cancer that has returned or is not respondin g to treatment
You are positive for certain changes in your genes which we will test you for as needed

Exclusion Criteria:
1. You have gastrointestinal disease, such as Crohn’s disease,
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Hershey, PA ,

The naturalistic reinforcement of obsessions and compulsions: An ecological momentary assessment study

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between sleep patterns, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In the screening visit, participants will complete a brief interview and questionnaire to determine if they are eligible to participate in our study. Eligible participants will complete additional questionnaires and a training session on study procedures. Following this visit, for the next 7 days, participants will complete daily questionnaires and (for those selected to be in the sleep monitoring group) monitor their sleep by wearing a sleep watch. On day 4, participants will attend a brief compliance check Zoom visit where they will be informed about their overall compliance rate. Participants will be compensated with course credit. Findings from this research may help improve understanding of OCD symptoms and sleep.

Screening Visit: This can be conducted in person or over Zoom. During this visit, we will administer a short questionnaire and an interview to determine if you are eligible to participate in the study. If you are eligible, you will complete questionnaires and a training session on study procedures. You will also receive a sleep watch, which you will be asked to wear consequently for 7 days. This visit will take approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes.7 Day Monitoring: For the next 7 days, you will complete several, brief daily questionnaires (7 questionnaires/per day) on your smartphone. Questionnaires will take place generally every 2 hours starting from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. You will also monitor your sleep by wearing a sleep watch and maintaining a daily sleep diary.Compliance Check (Day 4): On day 4, there will be a 5 minute compliance check Zoom meeting where you will be informed about your overall study compliance rate. Return and Debrief: At the end of the 7 days, you will be asked to return the sleep watch to our lab location (Moore Building) or schedule a pick-up time with a study team member. You will also receive an educational debriefing handout over email.

No compensation provided for this study


Valerie Swisher
Valerie Swisher - at
Division of Graduate Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Meets criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Owns an iPhone or Android Smartphone
Fluency in English
Age 18 or older

Exclusion Criteria:
Younger than 18
Not able to consent or commit to study duration
Does not meet criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Meets criteria for certain conditions (e.g., schizophrenia)
Not fluent in English
Sleep Management, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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Gaming Communities as Virtual Third Places: A Quantitative Assessment

This study will collect information about the use of gaming communities for social interaction.

Participants will be asked to complete a short survey.


Jeffrey Stone
Jeffrey Stone - at or 610-285-5003
Information Sciences and Technology (LEHIGH VALLEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Adults 18 years of age and older.

Exclusion Criteria:
Individuals under 18 years of age.
Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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One Talk at a Time - Anti-Racism

This is a psychological study to examine the effect of a new intervention that provides parents with tools to speak with their kids about race, racism, and privilege.Participants will complete a 2-3 hour long program and answer questionnaires over the course of 6-8 weeks. The total time required for this study is approximately 4.5 hours for parents and 2 hours for children. Parents can earn up to $165 and children can earn up to $50.

Parents and children will both be asked to participate, and all participation will be remote.Over the course of 6-8 weeks, parents will answer 3 sets of questionnaires in addition to completing 2-3 hour long interactive program. Parents will also be asked to participate in a recorded discussion task with their child, and will be invited back for a short interview as the final task.Children will answer 2 sets of questionnaires at the beginning and end of the study, and will also participate in the recorded discussion task with their parents.



Chardee Galan
Chardee Galan - at or 626-205-5563

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Non-Hispanic, White parent and child
Child between the ages of 10-14 years old
Child in 5th through 8th grade
Parent and youth are fluent in English
Parent and youth have access to devices with WiFi

Exclusion Criteria:
Parent or youth identify as any race/ethnicity other than non-Hispanic White, including multiracial individuals that identify as White
Family does not have reliable internet access or access to a device that can appropriately display the virtual program.
Parent or children does not speak or read sufficient English
Youth or parent/caregiver has an intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, or other disorder that may limit ability to complete study (surveys and interviews require sustained attention, mental processing, and comprehension)
Children's Health, Education, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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Effects of increased interstitial pressure on venous distension reflex

The purpose of this study is determine if an increase in interstitial pressure has an effect on the venous distension reflex.

This study involves a single visit with 2 trials.You will receive an infusion of saline in your arm before and after a procedure to cause a temporary swelling in your arm.

You will receive $25 per hour for your participation in this research study


Takuto Hamaoka
Cheryl Blaha - at or 717-531-1605
Heart and Vascular Institute (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Men and women of any race or ethnicity
Healthy (no major disease)
Between 21-60 years old
Weigh over 110 punds

Exclusion Criteria:
Are not between 21-60 years old
Pregnant or nursing women
Have a major disease (heart, lungs, kidney, diabetes, cancer)
High blood pressure
metal implants or claustrophobic
Men's Health, Heart & Vascular, Women's Health
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

A Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Multi-centrePhase 2b Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability ofAZD2693 in Participants with Non-cirrhotic Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) with Fibrosis Who Are Carriers of thePNPLA3 rs738409 148M Risk Allele

This study is a Phase 2b, 52-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-centre, multinational trial comparing once monthly subcutaneous (SC) administration of AZD2693 in participants with non-cirrhotic NASH (F2-F3) who are homozygous for the PNPLA3 rs738409 148M risk allele. Over the course of the approximately year long protocol, study participants will be screened to determine whether they carry the allele, which is known to place those with the allele at an increased risk for fatty liver disease. Screening will further take place to evaluate a participant's inclusion in the study, to make sure they are an eligible candidate. This screening includes blood work, a physical, and some additional diagnostic tests. If a patient is determined eligible to be randomized, the participant will complete approximately bi-weekly visits for up to a year. These visits will include bloodwork and additional evaluations to make sure they are doing well, as they receive their injections. At the completion of the study, participants will complete a final work up to see if the treatment was safe and effective.

There will be a genetic screening for an allele of the PNPLA3 gene.There will be a further screening period to determine eligibility.There will then be up to 24 visits with up to 10 injections of the study drug or placebo. Visits will require various blood work, biopsies of the liver, ECG's, and questionnaires.



Jonathan Stine
Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Participants who consent to give blood and buccal swab samples for genetic testing and diagnostic test development for PNPLA3 rs738409 148M who are homozygous carriers (G / G genotype) for the PNPLA3 rs738409 148M risk allele,
Participants who accept to have one liver biopsy performed during the screening period and one at 54 weeks. of PCOS by Rotterdam criteria
Participants with histological evidence of NASH based on central pathologist evaluation of a liver biopsy obtained up to 6 months before randomisation

Exclusion Criteria:
Clinical, imaging, or histological evidence of cirrhosis
Presence of other chronic liver diseases (hepatitis B or C, autoimmune hepatitis, cholestatic liver disease, Wilsons disease, hemochromatosis, etc.).
Digestive Systems & Liver Disease
Experimental drug compared to a placebo/”sugar pill”
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Hershey, PA ,

Exploring the Concreteness Effect in Expressive and Receptive Language Measures in Healthy Aging as a Comparison for Persons with Aphasia

The concreteness effect is the finding that individuals are faster and more efficient at processing concrete words (e.g., "dog") than abstract words (e.g., "wisdom"). The study will investigate the presence and strength of the concreteness effect in neurologically intact older adults. This data will be used as a control comparison for a group of people with aphasia, a language disorder that commonly results from left hemisphere stroke.

Participants will be asked to complete language and cognition tests that measure attention, memory, problem solving, and language processing on the computer. Participants will be asked to complete two Zoom sessions, each lasting approximately 1.5 hours.



Anna Serrichio
Anna Serrichio - at
Division of Graduate Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Native English Speaker
At least a high school education
40 years of age or older
Access to device with keyboard and internet connection to participate in Zoom sessions

Exclusion Criteria:
History of neurological, developmental, or psychiatric disorders
Below 40 years of age
Language & Linguistics
Not applicable
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Student Housing Assessment

The primary objectives are to identify why students choose where they live; what is their perception of value for housing; is this value based on their home city/state/country; how are they paying for housing costs; if their parents are paying for the housing, what perception of value do the parents have, what is their economic status, what is their home owning status, etc.


Mallory Meehan
Mallory Meehan - at
Institute for Real Estate Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Enrolled and living at University Park

Exclusion Criteria:
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Expanding Family Foundations to 2nd-Time Parenthood - Focus Group

This focus group study, funded by Penn State's Social Science Research Institute, brings together couples with preschool-aged firstborns who are pregnant with their 2nd child or who have given birth to their 2nd child within the last 12 months. Couples will be interviewed about how they worked together as a team (as coparents) to prepare their firstborn for the birth of the second child and to prepare themselves for 2nd-time parenthood.


Douglas Teti
Douglas Teti - at or 814-863-9570
Human Development and Family Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
1.Two-caregiver families, any race or ethnicity, with one or two children: a.One subgroup with one child < 6 years of age and pregnant with a 2nd child b.One subgroup with one child < 6 years of age and an infant between 1-to-12 months of age.
2.Each caregiver is over 18 years of age.
3.Caregivers are living together in the same household and are either married or living with a partner.
4.Families living independent of parents’ families of origin.
5.Both caregivers fluent in communicating in English.

Exclusion Criteria:
1.One or the other caregiver cannot understand or speak English
2.Caregivers are under 18 years of age.
3.Caregivers not living together
4.Caregivers not living independently of their families of origin
5.Single-parent families with no live-in partner.
Children's Health, Prevention, Mental & Behavioral Health
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Altoona, PA ,
Carlisle, PA ,
DuBois, PA ,
Erie, PA ,
Greater Philadelphia Area, PA ,
Greater Pittsburgh Area, PA ,
Harrisburg, PA ,
Hazleton, PA ,
Hershey, PA ,
Mont Alto, PA ,
Reading, PA ,
Schuylkill Haven, PA ,
Sharon, PA ,
State College, PA ,
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Area, PA ,
Williamsport, PA ,
York, PA ,


The purpose of this study is to compare the usual treatment with T-DM1 alone to T-DM1 plus tucatinib. The addition of tucatinib to the usual treatment could prevent the breast cancer from returning

The purpose of this study is to compare the usual treatment with T-DM1 alone to T-DM1 plus tucatinib. The addition of tucatinib to the usual treatment could prevent the breast cancer from returning.


Cristina Truica 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age = 18 years or older (male or female)
ECOG Performance Status 0-1
Patients must have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with one of the following regimens: THP, TMP, AC-TH(P); TCH(P); FAC-TH(P), or FEC-TH(P).
HER2-positive breast cancer per pathology
Prior treatment must have consisted = 6 cycles of chemotherapy and HER2-directed therapy, with a total duration of = 12 weeks, including at least 9 weeks of preoperative taxane and trastuzumab with or without pertuzumab (or FDA-approved biosimilars).

Exclusion Criteria:
Prior receipt of T-DM1 in the neoadjuvant setting is not allowed.
Patients with known active and/or untreated Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C or chronic liver disease are ineligible.
Stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer
History of any prior (ipsi- or contralateral) invasive breast cancer within 3 years of registration
Patients with ER+ HER2+ residual invasive disease that is lymph node-negative per the surgical pathology report
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Hershey, PA ,

Nurse Situation Awareness in ICUs

This is an interview and survey study that will examine how the design of ICU warning information system influence nurses situation awareness.

This study aims to understand how the design factors of warning information system influence nurse situation awareness in ICUs. You will participate an online interview study and fill out two questionnaires. The study takes 1-2 hours.



Yiqi Zhang
Yiqi Zhang - at
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Be a practicing nurses or a nursing student who has clinical experience in ICU settings

Exclusion Criteria:
Children's Health, Education, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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Phase 1/2 Study to Evaluate Palbociclib (IBRANCE®) in Combination with Irinotecan and Temozolomide or in Combination with Topotecan and Cyclophosphamide in Pediatric Patients with Recurrent or Refractory Solid Tumors

A study of the safety of palbociclib with irinotecan and temozolomide and palbociclib with topotecan and cyclophosphamide for children with solid tumors that returned or did not respond to previous treatment.

If you join the study, you will be assigned to receive either palbociclib in combination with backbone chemotherapy of IRN and TMZ or the backbone chemotherapy (IRN and TMZ). You may be asked to provide biological samples (such as blood or urine or tumor tissue sample) and undergo procedures that might be different from a regular medical examination. This study will involve screening, treatment, and follow up period. During screening, the study doctor will determine whether you are eligible for the study. If you are eligible and are enrolled into the study, you will be required to visit the study doctor on days 1 to 5 of each 21-day cycle and on day 14 for the first 2 cycles to undergo study assessments and to provide information about your health.


Valerie Brown
Suzanne Treadway - at or 717-531-3097
Pediatrics: Hematology/Oncology (HERSHEY)

This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Have a solid tumor that has returned or did not respond to previous treatment
Ages ≥2 and <21

Exclusion Criteria:
Prior intolerability to the chemo drugs used in this study
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Hershey, PA ,

Cabazitaxel with Abiraterone versus Abiraterone alone Randomized Trial for Extensive Disease following Docetaxel: the CHAARTED2 Trial

To assess whether the addition of 6 cycles of cabazitaxel to abiraterone acetate in patients with CRPC that have previously received docetaxel and ADT for HSPC can improve PFS compared toabiraterone acetate alone.

To assess whether the addition of 6 cycles of cabazitaxel toabiraterone acetate in patients with CRPC that have previouslyreceived docetaxel and ADT for HSPC can improve PFS compared toabiraterone acetate alone.


Monika Joshi 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age ≥ 18 years
Histologically confirmed diagnosis of prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma of the prostate).
Previous chemotherapy with at least 3 cycles of docetaxel for hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer.
Metastatic disease as evidenced by the presence of soft tissue and/or bone metastases on imaging studies (CT/MRI of abdomen/pelvis, bone scintigraphy or NaF PET/CT).
Ability to swallow abiraterone acetate tablets as a whole.

Exclusion Criteria:
Any prior chemotherapy or AR-directed therapy for CRPC, (e.g. docetaxel, cabazitaxel, mitoxantrone, abiraterone
Pure small cell or other variant (non-adenocarcinoma) prostate cancer histology for which treatment with abiraterone would not be considered appropriate.
Patients may not be receiving other therapeutic investigational agents or be receiving concurrent anticancer therapy other than standard androgen deprivation therapy.
Any medical condition for which prednisone (corticosteroid) is contraindicated.
Active infection requiring treatment with antibiotics.
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Hershey, PA ,

The efficacy and safety of a CCT-102 regimen versus expectant management in the treatment of first trimester pregnancy loss

This study will compare the use of CCT-102 with expectant management to promote uterine evacuation in first trimester non-progressing Delayed Pregnancy Loss (DPL). Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to active treatment or expectant management and will undergo ultrasound, physical examination, sample collection and complete daily diaries.for six days. Participants will be monitored up to 208 days until a negative urine hCG test is achieved.

There are 3 visits and a screening visit which may be combined with visit 1. A physical examination, ultrasound and blood draw will take place at screening and visit 2. Urine pregnancy tests will be taken at screening, visit 1, visit 2 and at home on days 14, 21 and 28 or until a negative result occurs. Electronic diaries will be logged days 1 through 7



Stephanie Estes
Robinn Moyer - at or 717-531-6272
Medicine: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 18-50
Hemodynamically stable
Closed cervical os
If fetus exists, gestation <10 weeks by clinical observation
Diagnosis of delayed pregnancy loss based on embryonic demise or anembryonic pregnancy

Exclusion Criteria:
Diagnosis of incomplete or inevitable abortion including more than slight bleeding and or open os
Confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy or undiagnosed adnexal mass
Hemoglobin <10 g/dL, coagulation disorder, chronic adrenal failure
History of allergy or contraindications to use of mifepristone, misoprostol or prostaglandins
Current presence of an IUD
Women's Health
Prefer not to display
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Hershey, PA ,

20-099, EA1181 (CompassHER2-pCR): Preoperative THP and postoperative HP in patients who achieve a pathologic complete response

The purpose of this study is to test whether it is safe to eliminate additional chemotherapy after surgery in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer who have no remaining cancer at surgery, after receiving a single chemotherapy drug (for most patients, paclitaxel), with Herceptin (trastuzumab) and Perjeta (pertuzumab) for 12 weeks before surgery. The standard treatment for patients who have no remaining cancer at surgery is to receive additional chemotherapy after surgery. This study will test whether patients who receive no further chemotherapy after surgery have no higher chance of tumor recurrence than patients who have received additional chemotherapy after surgery.

The purpose of this study is to test whether it is safe to eliminate additional chemotherapy after surgery in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer who have no remaining cancer at surgery, after receiving a single chemotherapy drug (for most patients, paclitaxel), with Herceptin (trastuzumab) and Perjeta (pertuzumab) for 12 weeks before surgery. The standard treatment for patients who have no remaining cancer at surgery is to receive additional chemotherapy after surgery. This study will test whether patients who receive no further chemotherapy after surgery have no higher chance of tumor recurrence than patients who have received additional chemotherapy after surgery.


Cristina Truica 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Histologically confirmed HER2-positive primary invasive breast carcinoma
Patents must have a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within normal institutional parameters (or > 50%).

Exclusion Criteria:
Patient must not have a history of any prior (ipsilateral or contralateral) invasive breast cancer.
Patient must not have Stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer
Patient must not have T4 and/or N3 disease, including inflammatory breast cancer.
Patient must not have any prior treatment for the current breast cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, radiation or experimental therapy.
Patient must not have a concurrent serious medical condition that would preclude completion of study therapy.
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Hershey, PA ,

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and psychophysical studies of sensory perception and cognition

The purpose of this study is (1) to understand how the brain processes sensory information and (2) how this is affected by factors like blindness or synesthesia. In addition to behavioral testing, the study will use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) which enables us to take pictures of the brain while you are doing a task, using an instrument called an MRI scanner.

Participants will perform simple behavioral tasks either stand-alone or while being scanned; they may also complete questionnaires or rating scales.

Amount varies depending on the study


Krishnankutty Sathian
Simon Lacey - at
Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Healthy adults over 18 years old
Normal or corrected-to-normal vision
No other sensory deficits
Adults who experience synesthesia
Must pass MRI safety screen (if applicable)

Exclusion Criteria:
Pregnant women (excluded from fMRI studies)
Minors under the age of 18
Individuals who fail the MRI safety screen (may still do behavioral studies)
Neurology, Language & Linguistics, Vision & Eyes
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,
State College, PA ,

Characterization and Exploration of Cognitive Assistants in the Space of Knowledge and Social Demands

The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of artificial intelligence on ideation in groups (specifically the process of brainstorming). Facilitation and facilitator/participant perceptions will also be analyzed. This study collects qualitative data through surveys, interviews, and audio/video recording.


Jessica Menold
Torsten Maier - at or 812-781-0014
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Individuals must be 18 years of age or older
Individuals must be an undergraduate OR graduate student at Penn State

Exclusion Criteria:
Individuals under the age of 18
Individuals who are not an undergraduate OR graduate student at Penn State
Education, Language & Linguistics
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State College, PA ,

Central Pennsylvania Rural Birth Cohort

This study is being conducted to understand what strategies are most successful: 1) in building and retaining a cohort of families from rural communities in Central Pennsylvania with recruitment beginning in pregnancy, infant/toddler age, and preschool age using a cohort sequential design; 2) for collecting clinical and semi-invasive, remote-based biobehavioral measurements to better characterize synergistic factors associated with obesity and substance use in this high risk population; and 3) for identifying points for future intervention, treatment, prevention, and policy efforts to reduce health disparities in maternal-child morbidity and promote positive family processes.

Cohort 1 (Pregnancy Cohort) will follow the assessment schedule as described below:Visit 1 will occur around 16-weeks gestation. You will complete online surveys. The surveys should take 1 hour or less.. Visit 2 will occur around 32-weeks gestation. You will complete online surveys, and a semi-structured health behaviors interview via Zoom. You may also be asked to collect hair and/or nail samples. The visit should take 2 hours or less. Visit 3 will occur around 6 months post-delivery. You will complete online surveys. The surveys should take 1 hour or less. Visit 4 will occur around 12 months post-delivery. You will complete online surveys and a parent-child interaction observation (one session). This visit should take 1 hour or less.Cohort 2 (12 month old child Cohort) will follow the assessment schedule as described below:Visit 1 will occur around 12 months post-delivery. You will complete online surveys, and a parent-child interaction observation (one session). You may also be asked to provide hair and/or nail samples. This visit should take 2 hours or less. Visit 2 will occur around 24 months post-delivery. You will complete online surveys. This visit should take 1 hour or less.Cohort 3 (24 month old child Cohort) will follow the assessment schedule as described below:Visit 1 will occur around 24 months post-delivery. You will complete online surveys. You may also be asked to provide hair and/or nail samples. This visit should take 1 hour or less.Visit 2 will occur around 36 months post-delivery. You will complete online surveys. This visit should take 1 hour or less.All electronic health record data will be extracted at the end of study participation.



Danielle Downs
Birth Cohort Team at

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Pregnant person over age of 18 with a singleton pregnancy
Over the age of 18
Families with toddlers that are either 12 or 36 months of age
Live in rural Pennsylvania
Have smartphone/wifi access

Exclusion Criteria:
Not pregnant or multiple pregnancy
Pregnant person or parents under age of 18
Families without toddlers that are either 12 or 36 months of age or a multiple (twin, triple, etc.)
Live outside of rural Pennsylvania
Do not have smartphone/wifi access
Children's Health, Pregnancy & Infertility, Women's Health
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ENdoluminal LIGHT ActivatED Treatment of Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer (ENLIGHTED)

Upper tract urothelial cancer (UTUC) is a recurrent disease. The current standard treatment for most UTUC patients requires surgery either removing some of the ureter in each operation or radical nephroureterectomy (RNU-removal of kidney and ureter) but the role of minimally invasive &amp; kidney- preserving methods is increasing. The use of TOOKAD (padeliporfin) was investigated in a Phase 1 clinical study in the minimally-invasive treatment of UTUC with the goal of identifying safe laser/light exposure and signs that the tumor has been reduced or eliminated. Early results from this study have been highly promising, revealing the effects of tumor removal with a positive safety profile, indicating the potential role of TOOKAD (padeliporfin) in the treatment of low-grade UTUC disease.This Phase 3 study is designed to provide confirmation of the observed Phase 1 findings. Patients are expected to remain in the study for 25 to 28 months. Participation in this study will include up to 9 study visits to Hershey Medical Center and 2 phone visits.

There are 4 stages to this study: screening phase, induction study treatment phase, maintenance study treatment phase and long-term follow-up phase.In screening you can expect to be asked questions about your medical history, MRI or CTU, blood and urine samples, physical exam, vitals, tumor assessment by ureteroscopy and biopsy under anesthesia.Induction Treatment Phase (1-3 months)•Participants undergo anesthesia and receive the study therapy 1 to 3 times, about 4 weeks apart. If a participant does not achieve Complete Response (CR)* after 3 treatments (or if their disease has progressed as defined in the protocol), the participant will be discontinued from the Treatment Phases and enter the Long-term Follow-up Phase.Maintenance Treatment Phase (12 months)•Participants who achieve CR* from Induction Treatment Phase will be followed for 12 months. Up to 3 repeated study therapy doses will be provided for participants who have treatable tumor recurrence as determined by the study doctor.Long-term Follow-up Phase (48 months)•Patients who achieve CR and then enter the maintenance treatment phase and who have a CR after the end of maintenance treatment phase will enter the Long-term Follow-up Phase and will be followed up for up to an additional 48 months in the Long-term Follow-up Phase or until recurrence, progression, death or loss to follow up, to document safety and ongoing response.•Patients discontinued from the treatment phases and who have received at least one study treatment will be followed up for additional 12 months in the long-term follow-up phase of the study from last VTP treatment.


Jay Raman
Amogh Pande - at or 717-531-5930
Urology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
New or recurrent low-grade, non-invasive UTUC disease
Biopsy-proven disease. A concurrence of the central pathology reader will be required for eligibility.
Up to 2 biopsy-proven sites of low-grade involvement. Please contact site for tumor dimension criteria.
Karnofsky Performance Status ≥ 50%
Adequate organ function defined by baseline Lab testing

Exclusion Criteria:
Current high-grade or muscle invasive (>pT1) urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
Carcinoma in situ (CIS) current or previous in the upper urinary tract
History of invasive T2 or higher urothelial cancer in past 2 years
Participation in another clinical study involving an investigational product within 1 month before study entry
BCG or local chemotherapy treatment in the upper urinary tract within 2 months prior to inclusion
Kidney & Urinary System, Cancer
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Hershey, PA ,

Evaluation of Health State Utilities for a Chronic Medical Condition

The goal of this research study is to understand how society perceives a chronic illness and the lifestyle outcomes that result from various treatments. Assessing this information will provide more insight on the quality of life for patients of that disease. This information will also help to guide medical decisions and assess the value of a health care intervention. The research team created descriptions of different lifestyle outcomes, called “health states,” and these are designed to reflect the burden of disease. You will be surveyed on your perception of these health states.


Debarati Bhanja
Debarati Bhanja - at or 614-849-2866
Student Affairs (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years of age or older
Access to a computer and internet connection
Full English literacy, including reading and writing ability
Permanent residents or citizens of the United States

Exclusion Criteria:
Diagnosed, treated or in remission of cancer
Drug or alcohol dependent
Primary language is not English
Cognitively impaired
Permanently residing outside of the United States
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Trust in Machine Agents Under Realistic Threat

Measures of actual human-machine interaction are required to generate ecologically valid, translatable discoveries that enhance human-systems integration and performance. Here, the proposed methods center on human-robot decision tasks to assess key determinants of human trust in robot recommendations (e.g., factors such as threat-salience and/or robot appearance), and the concomitant impacts of trust on performance.

There will be one in person visit, you will be asked to interact with a robot in a virtual environment.



Alan Wagner
Aerospace Engineering (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
An adult over the age of 18
Must not be suffering from anxiety disorders and/or panic attacks.
Must not be suffering from any known heart conditions.
Must not, to your knowledge, be prone to nausea when experiencing VR

Exclusion Criteria:
Anyone under the age of 18 will be excluded.
Suffers from anxiety disorders, suffers from heart conditions, prone to nausea when experiencing VR
Prevention, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

Eye-tracking of Aging and Language

We are interested in how adults understand language, and how this changes across the lifespan. Participants will complete paper and pencil tasks, computer-based tasks, and we will monitor how they move their eyes.


Michele Diaz
Victoria Gertel - at or 814-865-2912

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Native English Speaker
Right Handed
Minimum High School Education or GED
Normal or corrected to normal vision (20/20, not color blind)

Exclusion Criteria:
History of Neurological or Psychological Disease
Left Handed
<18 years old
speaking more than 1 language
less than 12 years education and no GED
Language & Linguistics
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State College, PA ,

Identification of Emotion in Music in Autism Spectrum Disorders

The purpose of the project is to learn more about reactions to music by adults with and without autism spectrum disorders. Participants will listen to short pieces of music and answer some questions on a computer. They will also complete some formal testing and answer some interview questions.


Diane Williams
Diane Williams - at or 814-865-3177
Communication Sciences and Disorders (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Speak sentence length English as primary language
Normal or corrected to normal vision
Normal hearing
Individuals with and without an autism spectrum disorder or Asperger syndrome
Willing to consent and complete study requirements

Exclusion Criteria:
Cannot speak sentence length English
Vision problems (uncorrected)
Hearing problems
Significant learning problems
Unwilling to consent or complete study requirements
Mental & Behavioral Health, Language & Linguistics
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Greater Pittsburgh Area, PA ,
State College, PA ,

Interactions between the olfactory, auditory, visual, and trigeminal systems

The purpose of this study is to use fMRI to identify and characterize the olfactory, auditory, visual and trigeminal-related brain networks. This research will then be use to enhance human health by laying the foundation to develop sensitive biomarkers to identify people who are at risk of developing brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, where olfactory deficits are known preclinical symptoms.


Prasanna Karunanayaka
Lauren Spreen at or 717-531-5857
Radiology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Healthy subjects with normal olfactory, visual, and hearing abilities
Clear sinuses

Exclusion Criteria:
Non-English speaking
Pregnant or lactating
Presence of a pacemaker, aneurysm clips or any metal in the body
A history of welding, grinding, and or claustrophobia
Neurological disease (stroke, tumor, Parkinson's) or Psychiatric disorder (bipolar, schizophrenia, etc)
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Hershey, PA ,

Defining the cellular and molecular signatures that are associated with the clinical heterogeneity of hidradenitis suppurativa

Patients with the clinical diagnosis of mild, moderate to severe Hidradenditis Suppurativa or normal healthy volunteers ages 18 and older to participate in a 1 time study visit. There is no treatment provided but we may gain information for the treatment of HS.

Eligible participants will attend a one time in person visit. During the visit, the study team will ask you to participate in the following activities: collect skin sample, blood sample and cheek swab. Take photographs of your HS lesions.

study coordinator will discuss.


Amanda Nelson
Amy Longenecker - at or 717-531-1513
Dermatology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years and older
Hidradentitis Suppurativa diagnosis for 3 months
Normal skin participants

Exclusion Criteria:
Patients who are Pregnant
Normal skin participants do not have an autoimmune disease
Participants who do not want to have any of the lesion sampling performed
Skin Conditions
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Hershey, PA ,

Understanding the Relationship between Education and Well-being among College Students with Disabilities

The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of students’ experiences in college and their engagement help-seeking and healthy behaviors. Participation in the study involves completing a brief online-survey on Qualtrics, which we anticipate will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.


Amber O'Shea
Amber O'Shea - at or 814-867-5721
Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Currently enrolled as a college student
18 years of age or older
Capable of providing informed consent
Diagnosis of a disability
Able to understand written English

Exclusion Criteria:
Adults unable to provide legal consent
Individuals who are not yet legal adults
Pregnant women
Education, Mental & Behavioral Health, Women's Health
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Inositol Supplementation to Treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Double Blind Dose Ranging RCT (INSUPP-PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine abnormality in women in the U.S. and is characterized by both reproductive (anovulation and androgen excess) and metabolic dysfunction (insulin resistance). PCOS lacks a simple, safe and effective treatment for women of all ages and all weights. Recentlya dietary supplement, inositol, has been used widely to treat women with PCOS. However there are no well designed trials to address the risk/benefit ratio and identify the mechanism of action. In this study we propose a 3 month double blind (of both patients and investigators) randomized controlled trial of inositol supplementation compared to placebo. We hypothesis that women with PCOS who receive inositol supplementation will have a significantly greater reduction in serum total testosterone than women on placebo as well has improvement in glucose tolerance and decrease in fasting insulin.

There will be 4 in person visitsHave a physical exam and other evaluations, including ultrasoundTake study drug as directedHave bloodwork taken throughout studyComplete questionnaires and a daily diary



Richard Legro
Amyee McMonagle - at or 717-531-4484
Obstetrics and Gynecology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Women 18-45 years old
Diagonosed with Polycystic Ovary Sydrome
8 or less periods per year
Periods of greater than or equal to 45 days
Not seeking pregnancy

Exclusion Criteria:
High protactin levels
Uncorrected thyroid disease
Suspected adrenal or ovarian tumor screting androgens
Suspected Cushing's syndrome
Contraindications to the study drug or placebo
Women's Health
Prefer not to display
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Hershey, PA ,

Phase III Study of Daratumumab/RHuPH20 + Lenalidomide or Lenalidomide in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Using MRD to Direct Therapy Duration (PSCI# 19-079) (S1803)

This study is being done to answer the following questions: 1.Will adding the drug daratumumab/rHuPH20 to the usual maintenance treatment with lenalidomide after stem cell transplant help multiple myeloma patients survive longer?2.For patients who have no evidence of multiple myeloma in their bone marrow (patients who do not have “minimum residual disease” [MRD-negative]), should maintenance therapy be stopped after 2 years? We are doing this study because we want to find out if this approach is better or worse than the usual approach for your multiple myeloma. The usual approach is defined as care most people get for multiple myeloma.

Phase III Study of Daratumumab/rHuPH20 (NSC-810307) + Lenalidomide or Lenalidomide as Post-Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) Using Minimal Residual Disease to Direct Therapy Duration


Kevin Rakszawski 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Patients must have had a confirmed diagnosis of symptomatic multiple myeloma (See Section 4.1) that required systemic induction therapy prior to autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT).
Patients with disease measurable by serum light chain assay alone are eligible (defined as ≥ 100 mg/L on involved light chain).
Patients must be ≥ 18 and ≤ 75 years of age at time of registration to Step 1.
Patients must have history and physical exam within 28 days prior to registration.
Patients must have Zubrod Performance Status ≤ 2.

Exclusion Criteria:
Patients with smoldering myeloma are not eligible
Patients must not have any organ involvement by amyloidosis or evidence of amyloidosis related organ dysfunction.
Patients must not have progressive disease at any time prior to registration.
Patients must not be refractory or intolerant to either lenalidomide or daratumumab/rHuPH20.
Patients must not have moderate or severe persistent asthma within the past 2 years and must not have currently uncontrolled asthma of any classification.
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Hershey, PA ,