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A Phase 3 Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blinded, Active-controlled, Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Lenvatinib (E7080/MK-7902) with Pembrolizumab (MK3475) in Combination with Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) Versus TACE in Participants with Incurable/Non-metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma (LEAP-012)

This is a study that will compare a study drug pembrolizumab plus a study drug lenvatinib in combination with the therapy called TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) which is a way to deliver chemotherapy locally through a procedure called embolization and how that works versus placebo (or no study medications) plus TACE and how it could lead to progression-free survival (PFS).

This is a study that will compare a study drug pembrolizumab plus a study drug lenvatinib in combination with the therapy called TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) which is a way to deliver chemotherapy locally through a procedure called embolization and how that works versus placebo (or no study medications) plus TACE and how it could lead to progression-free survival (PFS).


Nelson Yee
Irina Geier - at or 717-531-8678
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Has a diagnosis of HCC confirmed by radiology, histology, or cytology
Has HCC localized to the liver without portal vein thrombosis, and not amenable to curative treatment such as resection, ablation, or liver transplant.
Has at least one measurable HCC lesion based on RECIST 1.1,
Has an ECOG performance score of 0 to 1
Has a predicted life expectancy of >3 months.

Exclusion Criteria:
Is currently a candidate for liver transplantation.
Has had esophageal or gastric variceal bleeding within the last 6 months.
Has clinically apparent ascites on physical examination that is not controlled with medication
Has had clinically diagnosed hepatic encephalopathy in the last 6 months unresponsive to therapy.
Has clinically significant hemoptysis from any source or tumor bleeding within 2 weeks prior
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Hershey, PA ,

Effects of amiloride on walking ability in patients with peripheral artery disease

The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of amiloride on the blood pressure response to walking in PAD patients and healthy controls.

In each visit, you will be asked to walk on a treadmill. You will also be asked to take capsules prior to visit 2 and 3. The capsules for one visit will be a drug called amiloride (10mg, in 2 capsules with 5mg of amiloride in each capsule), which was traditionally used to lower blood pressure. The other capsules will be a placebo (no active medication). A blood sample will be drawn at each visit.

You will receive $25 per hour for your participation in this research study


Jian Cui
Cheryl Blaha - at or 717-531-1605
Heart and Vascular Institute (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Men and women age 21- 85 years
Any race or ethnicity
Healthy: Free of acute medical conditions
PAD: Diagnosis of PAD, no pain at rest

Exclusion Criteria:
Pregnant or nursing women
Resting blood pressure of 150/100 or higher
Already taking amiloride
Recent heart attack or epilepsy
Peripheral neuropathy
Men's Health, Heart & Vascular, Women's Health
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

Healthy Mom Zone: Control Systems Engineering for Optimizing a Prenatal Weight Gain Intervention Study 2.0

The proposed overall research aims to establish feasibility of delivering an individually-tailored, behavioral intervention to manage gestational weight gain [GWG] that adapts to the unique needs and challenges of overweight/obese pregnant women [OW/OB-PW] and will utilize control systems engineering to optimize this intervention; in other words, make this intervention manage GWG in OW/OB-PW as effectively and efficiently as possible.

You will be randomized into an intervention or attention control group from ~8 weeks gestation to ~37 weeks gestation with a BMI of 24-45 (>40 with physician consent).You will have 1 pre-intervention session that explains the study procedures and to get you ready for the study. Here you will also complete various measures of demographics, behavioral surveys, etc.Over the course of the study, you will weigh yourself each day, wear an activity monitor and complete various surveys. If you are randomized to the intervention group, you may have healthy eating demonstrations and/or physical activity sessions each week.You will have 1 post-intervention session where you will return your devices, complete a 30-60 minute interview and complete the last of the surveys.



Danielle Downs
Abigail Pauley - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Pregnant women
18-45 years old
8-18 gestational weeks
English speaking
BMI 24-45 (>40 with provider consent)

Exclusion Criteria:
Younger than 18
Non-English speaking
BMI <24
Pregnancy & Infertility, Mental & Behavioral Health, Women's Health
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Altoona, PA ,
State College, PA ,

Music Appreciation of Pediatric and Adult Hearing Aid Users over Time

The purpose of this study is to survey hearing aid users over a 6 month time period to see if their music perception improves over time.

Study participants will complete surveys about their music experience four times: first at your initial clinic visit and then sent to your email at 1, 3, and 6 months following your visit. This survey will include questions about the participants experience with music as well as name, age, gender, and duration of hearing aid use.


Varun Patel
Caia Hypatia - at
Otolaryngology (HERSHEY)

This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Acquired hearing loss
Hearing aid use

Exclusion Criteria:
Cochlear implant use
Auditory implants including bone anchored hearing aids
Poor compliance with the use of hearing aids
Age 12 years old or younger
Language & Linguistics
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Hershey, PA ,

Maintenance Obinutuzumab for primary central nervous system lymphoma complete or partial responders

The study will compare participants with primary central nervous system lymphoma which responded to initial treatment and are thereafter treated with Obinutuzumab (the study drug), with participants with primary central nervous system lymphoma which responded to initial treatment and are not treated with the study drug.

In addition to your routine care, you will be “randomized” into one of the study groups described below. You will have a MRI of your brain approximately every three months (plus or minus two weeks) for two years. You will undergo a neurocognitive assessment and complete a quality-of-life questionnaire two years after study entry.Group A – Obinutuzumab ArmIf you are in the first group ("Group A") you will be given the study drug every two months for two years. Every two months you will have your vital signs taken, your blood drawn (one to two tablespoons), and you will be given the study drug through an IV infusion into your vein. Group B – No Obinutuzumab ArmIf you are in the second group ("Group B") every six months you will have your vital signs taken and your blood drawn (one tablespoon).


Dawit Aregawi
Micaiah at or 717-531-0003, ext=283063
Neurosurgery (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
CD20+ B-cell primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) confirmed at the time of diagnosis
Must have undergone first-line treatment with high-dose methotrexate-based chemotherapy regimen with or without brain radiotherapy
Must be within 75 days of completion of first-line treatment regimen at the time of randomization
18 years or older

Exclusion Criteria:
History of severe allergic or anaphylactic reactions to monoclonal antibody therapy
Clinical evidence of extra-CNS (systemic) non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Known hypersensitivity to any of the study drugs.
History of other malignancy that could affect compliance with the protocol or interpretation of results
Known active bacterial, viral, fungal, mycobacterial, or other infection or any major episode of infection requiring treatment with IV antibiotics or hospitalization
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

Athletes' Experiences in Sport

In this study, we are interested in learning about how male athletes think about and understand the experience and expression of emotion in competitive sports.


Heather MacArthur
Heather MacArthur - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Competitive athlete
Penn State student
18+ years

Exclusion Criteria:
Under 18 years
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State College, PA ,

A data and biorepository for individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia, and other individuals at increased risk for dementia

This research is being done to help us better understand the risk factors and protective factors for cognitive decline in people who are at increased risk for dementia. The goal of the study is to establish a data and biorepository for people at increased risk for dementia.

Eligible patients for the study, in addition to routine clinic visits, may undergo a series of questionnaires and blood testing.


William Jens
Neurology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 18 and older
Patient participants - Meet the criteria for subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, dementia or at risk for any
Health controls - Normal age and education-adjusted performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test or another standardized cognitive screening test

Exclusion Criteria:
Age less than 18
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Hershey, PA ,

Postmenopausal women and their endothelium: Is dietary nitrate supplementation protective?

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The loss of estrogen from menopause puts women at a greater risk of developing heart disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of drinking beetroot juice on measures of blood vessel health and blood pressure. Participants will drink beetroot juice and placebo juice each for one week followed by blood pressure measurements and ultrasound imaging of an artery in the upper arm. A sub-aim of this study is to investigate the effects of estrogen status on blood vessel function between pre- and post-menopausal women.

There are a total of 6 in-person visits to the Clinical Research Center. You will be asked to drink beetroot juice (2 oz) every day for 7 days. Participants will undergo vascular assessments, blood pressure measurements, and blood draws (11 in total for 6 visits).



David Proctor
Jocelyn Delgado - at or 408-679-8390

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Post-menopausal women (1-6 years since menopause preferred)
BMI <35
Blood pressure <130/80
LDL <170 mg/dL

Exclusion Criteria:
Individuals taking hormone therapy
Individuals with resting blood pressure > or = 130/80 mmHg
Users of any tobacco and/or nicotine products (smokers, chewing tobacco, nicotine-containing patches/gum, smokeless cigarettes)
Individuals with any overt cardiovascular, metabolic, hematologic, pulmonary, renal, musculoskeletal, and/or neurological disease(s)
Individuals with active cancer
Food & Nutrition, Heart & Vascular, Women's Health
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Altoona, PA ,
State College, PA ,

NRG-GI008 Colon Adjuvant Chemotherapy based on Evaluation of Residual Disease (CIRCULATE-US) (22-070)

To compare time to ctDNA (+ve) status in ctDNA (-ve) cohort following resection of stage III colon cancer treated with immediate vs delayed (based on serial ctDNA surveillance) chemotherapy. Time to positive event is defined as time from randomization to the first ctDNA positive result for the immediate arm (Arm 1) and to the 2nd ctDNA positive result for the delayed arm (Arm 2) to allow for the potential effect of delayed adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients recurred without a positive ctDNA result will be considered to have ctDNA positive status at the time of recurrence for both study arms.

We are asking you to take part in this research study because you have colon cancer that has been treated with surgery but has spread to some of your lymph nodes and is known as stage III colon cancer. Or, you have stage II or stage III colon cancer with a higher risk of cancer returning, your colon cancer has been treated with surgery, and you had ctDNA testing done and are ctDNA positive. Stage II colon cancer is an early stage colon cancer that has been treated with surgery but has not spread to your lymph nodes. ctDNA, or circulating tumor DNA, is DNA that has been released from tumor cells into your bloodstream. This DNA can be measured using a blood test.


Nelson Yee 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
patient must be ≥ 18 years old.
Hemoglobin must be ≥ 9 g/dL
HIV-infected patients on effective anti-retroviral therapy with undetectable viral load within 6 months
The treating investigator must deem the patient a candidate for all potential agents used in this trial (5FU, LV, oxaliplatin and irinotecan)
The patient must have an ECOG performance status of 0 or 1

Exclusion Criteria:
Colon cancer histology other than adenocarcinoma
Tumor-related bowel perforation
Synchronous primary rectal and/ or colon cancers
Active seizure disorder uncontrolled by medication
Active or chronic infection requiring systemic therapy
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

Evaluating Nurses’ Pain Management Competency in Dementia Using the Pain Competency Evaluation in Dementia (PACED) Scale

This study examines nurses' pain management competency in nursing home residents with dementia using the PACED Scale. Specifically, we will recruit 60 Licenced Practical Nurses (LPNs) and 60 Registered Nurses (RNs) working in nursing homes in Pennsylvania. The PACED Scale is an established scale by the principal investigator to evaluate nurses' pain management competency in persons with dementia and this study will use the PACED scale to rate the nurses' pain management competencies.

Participant will complete a 1-hour study online, including a demographic survey and 2 virtual clinical scenarios and pain management notes related to residents with dementia experiencing pain.

$25 gift card


Yo-Jen Liao
Yo-Jen Liao - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years and older
English speaking
Working as a RN or LPN in nursing homes for more than 3 months in Pennsylvania
Have professional experience caring for persons with dementia

Exclusion Criteria:
Pain Management
Not applicable
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To stretch, not strain: Impact of passive stretching on calf muscle and gait mechanics in peripheral artery disease

People with narrowed blood vessels in their legs can only walk a short distance before needing to sit down due to pain in their calf muscles. Most of these patients do not follow their heart doctor's advice to walk at home because it hurts. A therapy that does not involve painful walking would be ideal for these patients to begin to treat their disease so they can eventually walk with less discomfort. We will ask patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) to place both feet into inflatable ankle splints 30 minutes a day for 4 weeks to passively stretch their calf muscles. Before and after this 4-week program, we will measure the health and size of their leg blood vessels, the length, and function of their calf muscles and tendons, and how long they can walk without pain. We will also closely track their joint and foot movements and calf muscle oxygen levels while they walk down a hallway. People with and without risk factors for heart disease are also eligible for this study to compare differences in vascular and muscular health to patients with PAD. Volunteers without a PAD diagnosis or poor leg circulation will not undergo the 4-week stretch and no-stretch interventions.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) and poor leg circulation patients:-4 visits to University Park Clinical Research Center ~3 hours per visit-1 blood draw-Wear a calf muscle stretching device for 30-min a day, 5 days a week, for 4 weeks and 4 weeks of no stretching-Several muscle and vascular ultrasound measurements-Walking performance tests on and off the treadmill-Wear a smartwatch to monitor physical activity during each 4-week stretch or no stretch interventionParticipants with and without risk factors for heart disease:-2 visits to University Park Clinical Research Center within the same week lasting ~3 hours per visit-Not diagnosed with PAD or poor leg circulation-1 blood draw-Several muscle and vascular ultrasound measurements-Walking performance tests on and off the treadmill

PAD participants can receive up to $450 in compensation. Participants with and without heart disease risk factors (non-PAD participants) will receive $50 for their participation.


David Proctor
Jocelyn Delgado - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Patients (40-85 years) diagnosed with peripheral artery disease or poor leg circulation
Participants (40-85 years) with or without risk factors for heart disease (high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.) and not diagnosed with PAD
Ability to walk on or off a treadmill at 1 mile per hour
Men and women who are not pregnant or nursing

Exclusion Criteria:
Cannot walk on a treadmill at a slow pace
Heart attack within the past 6 months or unstable angina
Severe lung disease, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint disease, critical limb ischemia
Major surgery or lower extremity revascularization surgery within the past 6 months
Recent serious ankle, Achilles tendon, or foot injuries
Heart & Vascular, Muscle & Bone
Experimental device
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Altoona, PA ,
State College, PA ,

Women and Infants' Stress and Health

The goal of this study is to understand how babies and their mothers learn to respond to stress during the early years of the baby's life. Participating women complete questionnaires and do a mildly stressful task alone (during pregnancy) or with their babies (at four different times over the first two years of the baby's life) and collect saliva samples that tell us about stress responses, either at home or at one of our lab sites. We aim to use what we learn to better support expecting parents who may be at risk for stress-related health problems and improve their children's resilience to stress throughout life.

Women are asked to participate in six sessions over Zoom and/or at the PACT Center between their 28th week of pregnancy and when their child is 2 years old. During these sessions, which last up to 2 hours each, mothers and babies will1.participate in mildly stressful tasks (like having the mother leave the room for up to 3 minutes and then return) and games to assess the baby’s emotional and cognitive development2.provide saliva samples by drooling into a tube (for the mother) or holding a cotton swab in their baby’s mouth to get it wet3.fill out questionnaires about themselves and their baby4.take part in clinical interviews that ask about mood and other markers of psychological ill-being



Heidemarie Laurent
Sandra Rosario - at or 814-867-6482
Human Development and Family Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Pregnant (up to 32 weeks gestation)
18 or older
English speaking

Exclusion Criteria:
Unable to participate in either Harrisburg or State College study site at 15-24 months postnatal
Pregnancy & Infertility, Mental & Behavioral Health, Women's Health
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Harrisburg, PA ,
State College, PA ,

Slips of Action in Adolescents and Young Adults

Adolescence is a critical period during which many important health[OID[058ACDEB3E43384D816C7E390C2B83F6]]&amp;Mode=smartform&amp;WizardPageOID=com.webridge.entity.Entity[OID[E4552FC57E491543A6B7FD8268E23FD7]] habits form in humans. However, animal models provide mixed information about habit formation across development and there are relatively few human studies that address differences between habit formation in adolescents and adults. To address this gap, the proposed study will assess differences in habit formation in adolescents and adults as measured by the "Slips of Action" task, which seeks to discriminate between habitual and goal-directed learning of visual stimuli pairings.

There will be one in-person visit lasting about one hour. Visits will begin with informed consent. Participants will complete a computer task where they are asked to learn associations between pictures and then will be tested on the associated pairings. They will also complete questionnaires and cognitive tasks.



Charles Geier
Katie Meeks - at or 814-867-6472
Non-PSU Site

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Healthy adolescents between the ages of 13 to 17; (health based on parental report)
Healthy adults between the ages of 25 to 40
No learning disabilities (e.g., ADHD) or diagnosed psychological conditions (e.g. anxiety)
Right handed
Not on any medications known to influence behavior

Exclusion Criteria:
Outside of age ranges specified at baseline
Diagnosed neurological or psychological condition including severe anxiety and/or depression, schizophrenia, learning disability, ADD/ADHD, or autism
Significant family history of neurological or psychological disorders
Left handed
Participant is on any medication that may influence behavior
Addiction & Substance Abuse, Food & Nutrition, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

Penn State Hershey Sitting and Health Study

This study aims to examine the effect of pedaling a compact elliptical device at the desk on employees' work productivity. This study also aims to evaluate the effect of different types of incentives on promoting desk-based pedaling.


Liza Rovniak
Liza Rovniak - at
Medicine: General Internal Medicine (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Penn State Hershey full time employee
Overweight or obese
Spend at least 5 hours per day sitting at a desk
Have eligible overweight/obese coworker who can do study together with you
18-70 years old

Exclusion Criteria:
Currently pregnant
Planned surgical or medical treatment that will prevent ability to complete study
Heart condition, or chest pain during physical activity
Planned travel or relocation during study period
Already have desk cycling device or treadmill at desk
Heart & Vascular, Prevention, Mental & Behavioral Health
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Hershey, PA ,

Comparison of skin menthol and other bioactive content with different commercially available topical analgesics

Menthol is the active ingredient in topical analgesics. Some manufacturers use special encapsulation techniques in order to prolong the effects of menthol. Our goal is to use intradermal microdialysis to assess how much menthol, along with other organic bioactives, are present in the skin following topical application of various commercially available topical analgesics. We also examine the affect of a menthol-based analgesic gel on the skin blood flow.

There will be a screening visit and then up to seven experiment visits where different topical analgesics will be applied to the forearm skin. We will use intradermal microdialysis and measure skin blood flow.



Lacy Alexander
Andrew Johnson - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18-30 years old
No use of nicotine containing compounds
No illegal/recreational drug use

Exclusion Criteria:
Regular use of commercially available topical analgesics (e.g., menthol)
Skin rash, skin disease, or disorders of pigmentation
Sensitivity to menthol
Heart & Vascular, Pain Management
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

S1914 Randomized Phase III Atezolizumab + SBRT vs SBRT alone in high risk, early stage NSCLC (22-025)

To compare overall survival (OS) in patients with inoperable, early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) randomized to stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) with or without atezolizumab.

Patients will need to keep all of their radiation treatment appointments and keep all appointments with the study doctor. Patients will be expected to complete questionnaires and have extra blood samples taken at specific time point throughout the study.


Mitchell Machtay 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
History/physical examination within 90 days prior to registration
Age ≥ 18
ECOG performance status of 0 or 1 within 180 days prior to registration;
Pretreatment serum PSA, obtained prior to any androgen suppression therapy and within 180 days of registration.
Men of child-producing potential must be willing to consent to use effective contraception while on treatment and for at least 3 months afterwards

Exclusion Criteria:
PSA > 150 ng/mL
Definitive clinical or radiologic evidence of metastatic disease
Pathologically positive lymph nodes or nodes > 1.5 cm short axis on CT or MR imaging
HIV positive with CD4 count < 200 cells/microliter
Prior radical prostatectomy, cryosurgery for prostate cancer, or bilateral orchiectomy for any reason
Approved drug(s)
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Hershey, PA ,

GLP-1R Agonist Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder - A Multi-Site Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

This is a multi-site, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine if the study drug, semaglutide, will reduce illicit opioid use and craving in opioid-dependent patients receiving treatment for opioid use disorder. The study drug, semaglutide, is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, but it is not specifically approved for the treatment of cravings and opioid use in patients with substance use disorders. Therefore, its use in this research should be considered “investigational.”

A screening visit will take place to see if you eligible to receive the research treatment, which will include urine (for drugs and pregnancy) and blood tests as well as questionnaires about your mental health and drug use. If you are eligible to continue in the research, we will randomize you to either the study medication or the placebo, which you will receive once a week for 12 weeks. During the 12 weeks of treatment, we collect your vital signs, perform a physical examination (first visit only), collect your medical history (first visit only), do a urine drug screen and pregnancy test, give you questionnaires about your mental health and drug use, and ask you about the other medications you are taking. We will then administer the study medication or placebo, depending on what group you were randomized to. You will also complete surveys at set times on your smartphone. After your last treatment visit, you will return to the site two more times for study visits without any study medication or placebo administration. A blood draw will also occur at the washout visit. The smartphone surveys will continue at set times until your final study visit. You will attend a total of 15 study visits over 19 weeks.

Maximum of $873.00


Jennifer Nyland
Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 18 to 75 years
Body mass index (BMI) > 18
Current diagnosis of Opioid Use Disorder
Currently receiving outpatient treatment for OUD and at least 2 weeks on BUP or 4 weeks on methadone at the study site and/or at an associated clinic
Able to read and communicate in English to the level required to accept standard care and complete all study requirements

Exclusion Criteria:
Age < 18 or > 75 years
BMI <18
Individuals who are pregnant, planning pregnancy, breastfeeding, or unwilling to use adequate contraceptive measures
Current use of medications that help lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss
Plans for travel outside of the local area over the 19 that would interfere with visits during the study period or other logistic factors that would make it difficult to commit to the entire duration of study
Addiction & Substance Abuse
Experimental drug compared to a placebo/”sugar pill”
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Harrisburg, PA ,

Investigation of pulse starch impact on the gut microbiome

We are investigating how the starch from pulse crops (chickpeas, lentils and dry peas) affects the gut microbiome, particularly with regards to the production of butyrate, a microbial metabolite with a number of known health benefits. We are recruiting people from two groups, those that consume a lot of these pulses and those who rarely consume them. These participants will then track their food intake for 48 hours before collecting a fecal sample which they will return to the lab. We will then use these fecal samples to conduct laboratory fermentations with pulse starches processed in a number of different ways to see what factors are important for determining the amount of butyrate that is produced. This will serve as pilot data for designing future human clinical trials.


Darrell Cockburn
Darrell Cockburn - at or 814-863-2950

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18-65 years of age
Either consume pulses twice or more per week or consume them once a month or less. Pulses are dry legumes such as chickpeas(Garbanzo beans), lentils or other dry peas and beans

Exclusion Criteria:
Currently or in the past month taking antibiotics
Taking a fiber supplement
Bowel problems such as IBD, IBS, chronic diarrhea or constipation
Food & Nutrition
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State College, PA ,

Visceral Pain Sensation and Nav1.8

We wish to investigate the role of a specific gene in visceral pain sensation and perception. This gene, Nav1.8 has a known change present in 10% of the population which may affect the way we feel inflammatory pain in the gut. This is an important symptom in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Some patients feel high levels of pain we would like to control, other patients feel little to no pain in the presence of very active disease, which can lead to dangerously under-treated disease. In this study, we will use healthy volunteers as well as IBD patients, and test their sensitivity using rectal balloon dilation.Research subjects will be asked to fast, skipping solid foods and opaque liquids for 6 hours before the testing. Usually this means skipping 1 meal. At the beginning of the study visit. they will use an over the counter enema to clear their rectum of any stool. Healthy control subjects that have never had a colonoscopy before and all IBD patients will undergo a very brief proctoscopy to either verify rectal health or check for any IBD disease activity. Healthy controls that have had a prior colonoscopy within the last 5 years will skip that prior step. Then a trained physician on the research team will insert a thin, lubricated tube into the rectum, which will be inflated to specific pressures. Most of these tests will be designed to measure any change in sensation, then the need to use the toilet, followed by urgent need or discomfort, and lastly the lower threshold of pain. Test subjects will be able to stop testing at any time, should they become too uncomfortable. The testing takes between 1 and 1 and a half hours, and volunteers are compensated $200 for their time.

To simulate abdominal pain, we use a thin tube placed in the rectum that inflates a small balloon to very precise and safe pressures. Our bodies interpret these pressures (in ascending order) as the need to go to the bathroom; first just a little, then with increasing urgency and eventually discomfort and pain. During these experiments, we only measure the lower threshold of pain, and stop immediately when you tell us to stop. We have significant experience using this approach and we have found it consistently informative while causing the least amount of discomfort possible. The whole thing takes about an hour and we’re paying volunteers $200 for participating. We'll ask that you skip a meal before the study visit, and perform an over-the-counter enema at the start of the visit.



Matthew Coates
August Stuart - at or 717-531-0003, ext=281928
Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Have a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or no lower GI diseases (healthy control)
UC and Crohn's patients: be willing to undergo a brief proctoscopy the day of the testing visit
Healthy controls: have had a colonoscopy in the last 5 years OR be willing to undergo a brief proctoscopy the day of the testing visit

Exclusion Criteria:
UC and Crohn's patients: moderate to severe disease activity on your recent colonoscopy
Healthy control: any diagnosed lower GI disease (such as IBS or active diverticulitis) or significant abdominal pain in the last 12 months.
Any peripheral neuropathy or neuromodulating/opioid medications
Any Autoimmune disease (except Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis)
Infectious Diseases & Immune System, Digestive Systems & Liver Disease, Pain Management
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NMTRC012: PEDS-PLAN – Pediatric Precision Laboratory Advanced Neuroblastoma Therapy

A study of the safety and feasibility of using molecularly guided therapy in combination with standard therapy followed by maintenance therapy with DFMO in patients with newly diagnosed high risk neuroblastoma.

Participating in this study requires that you visit the study hospital Penn State Hershey Medical Center multiple times over the course of the full study for evaluations (physical exam, blood draw, urine analysis, etc.) and scans (MRI/CT, MIBG). Weekly visits may occur at your home institution with your home treating oncologist. As a subject in this clinical trial you are expected to receive treatment on this phase of the study for a total of about 2 ½ years if you complete all portions. After treatment, you will have follow-up examinations and medical tests.


Valerie Brown
Suzanne Treadway, MS, RN, CCRP - at or 717-531-3097
Pediatrics: Hematology/Oncology (HERSHEY)

This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
A confirmed diagnosis of neuroblastoma.
Must be 21 years of age or younger when diagnosed.
No prior systemic therapy with some exceptions.
Tumor samples will be obtained only in a non-significant risk manner and not solely for the purpose of the study.

Exclusion Criteria:
Receiving another study drug while on this study.
Female patients who are lactating are not eligible unless they agree not toe breast feed.
Children's Health, Cancer
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Reducing Perception Error in Diagnostic Radiology

This research is being done to find out the relationship between an individual’s mental state and how well they perform visual-perceptual tasks. This will allow us to understand the brain processes related to errors in image perception, to understand how mental states impact medical image interpretation. Overall, this research will help us develop training programs to reduce the amount of perceptual errors in diagnosing images


Michael Bruno
Lauren Spreen - at or 717-531-5857
Radiology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Radiologists with different levels of experience
Healthy adults, with college or advanced degree
Normal or corrected to normal vision

Exclusion Criteria:
Non-English speaking
Pregnant or lactating
Presence of pacemaker, aneurysm clips, or any metal in the body
A history of welding or grinding
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PSCI 22-141 CCTG MA.39: “Tailor RT: A Randomized Trial of Regional Radiotherapy in Biomarker Low Risk Node Positive and T3N0 Breast Cancer

To compare the breast cancer recurrence-free interval (BCRFI) between patients that received regional RT or not, defined as time from randomization to time of invasive recurrent disease in the ipsilateral chestwall, breast, regional nodes, distant sites or death due to BC.

Women with low risk breast cancer will be randomized to either regional radiation therapy or no regional breast radiation therapy. Patients will be expected to keep all of their radiation appointment and complete all questionnaires.


Leonard Tuanquin
Radiology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Patients must be women with newly diagnosed histologically proven invasive carcinoma of the breast with no evidence of metastases, staged as per site standard of care
Patients must have been treated by BCS or mastectomy with clear margins of excision*.
Patients with T3N0 disease are eligible.
Patients with disease limited to nodal micrometastases are eligible.
Patients must be ER ≥ 1% and HER2 negative on local testing

Exclusion Criteria:
Patients with nodal disease limited to isolated tumour cells
Patients with pT3N1 and pT4 disease
Any prior history, not including the index cancer, of ipsilateral invasive breast cancer or ipsilateral DCIS treated with radiation therapy
Synchronous or previous contralateral invasive breast cancer.
Patients who are pregnant.
Not applicable
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A Randomized, Open Label Phase 3 Study Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of Venetoclax in combination with Azacitidine after allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Subjects with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)(M19-063)

This study is to determine the recommended Phase 3 dose of venetoclax in combination with azacitidine in Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients when given as maintenance therapy following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. It also is to determine if venetoclax can be effective in combination with azacitidine to improve Relapse Free Survival in Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients compared to Best Supportive Care (BSC) when given as maintenance therapy following allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

There are different phases of this study. The first phase is Screening, then there is the Treatment phase as well as a Follow up phase. Each phase will have testing and procedures that will require you to come to the study center.

50.00 Travel expenses


Shin Mineishi 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Adult male or female ≥ 18 years old; and, for Part 2 only, male or female at least 12 years old.
Subject must be diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia by World Health Organization (WHO) criteria (2017) and either be planning for allogeneic stem cell transplantation or have received allogeneic transplantation within the past 14 days.
Subjects that have previously been treated with venetoclax, can only be included if there was no history of disease progression during venetoclax treatment.
Grafts must be from one of the following sources: Bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells or cord blood cells irrespective of degree of matching.
Subjects and/or their legally authorized representative (where permitted per local regulations) must voluntarily sign and date an informed consent form (and assent form for minors if required by applicable regulations)

Exclusion Criteria:
No malabsorption syndrome or other condition that precludes oral route of administration.
No history of any other malignancy within 2 years prior to study entry
Subject has no known evidence indicating leukemia relapse, which may include immunophenotype, cytogenetic or molecular methods.
No psychiatric illness/social situation that would limit compliance with the study.
No evidence of other clinically significant uncontrolled systemic infection.
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NUTRI-Beta Study: A Pilot Clinical Trial for Children with New Diagnosis of Stage 3 Type 1 Diabetes

This will be a 12-week single blinded, randomized, nutrition clinical trial for children with new diagnosis of stage 3 type 1 diabetes (clinical diagnosis of T1D). Beta cell function will be measured after 3 and 6 months.

Study participants in the intervention group will be required to follow the intake of specific foods and adhere to specific nutrition guidelines in addition to follow with a registered dietitian for 12 weeks (4 in person visits and 3 virtual visits). All these visits will be compensated. All study visits will be seen for a screening visit, an enrollment visit, 12-week visit and a 24-week visit. During the study visits, participants will undergo the following: physical exam/ demographic/social evaluation, clinical nutrition evaluation, nutrition counseling, dietary intake assessment, blood test collection, 2-hour Mixed Meal Tolerance Test (MMTT) and anthropometry.



Lina Huerta-Saenz
Erica Miller - at or 717-531-5656
Pediatrics: Endocrinology (HERSHEY)

Younger than 18 years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
New diagnosis of type 1 diabetes < = 60 days
Age 6-17 years old, any gender
Attendance to the Pediatric diabetes clinic at Penn State Health in Hershey, PA
Positive antibodies for type 1 diabetes

Exclusion Criteria:
Age older than 18 years old
History of seafood allergies and/or milk/dairy related allergies
Type 2 diabetes
Food sensory disorders
Pubertal children
Children's Health, Food & Nutrition, Diabetes & Hormones
Not applicable
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PSCI 23-110 CA209-6K6 An open label, randomized study of neoadjuvant nivolumab and chemotherapy, with or without sub-ablative stereotactic body radiation therapy, for resectable stage IIA to IIIB non-small cell lung cancer

We are asking you to take part in this voluntary research study because you have lung cancer that will require surgery, chemotherapy, and possibly immunotherapy. The study involves chemotherapy and immunotherapy given during the 6 weeks prior to surgery.

In person visits for Screening, Treatment and Follow-up visits. Treatment is given monthly on day 1,22 &amp; 43. Special test will be conducted at these time periods such as Physical Exam, Blood Draws and CT/Pet scans.


Joseph Miccio
PSCI CTO at or 717-531-5471
Radiation Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age > 18 years at time of study entry
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1.
Written informed consent and HIPAA obtained from the subject prior to performing any protocol-related procedures
Evidence of post-menopausal status or negative urinary or serum pregnancy test for female premenopausal patients.
Hemoglobin ≥ 9.0 g/dL

Exclusion Criteria:
Participation in another clinical study with an investigational product during the last 3 weeks
Current or prior use of immunosuppressive medication within 14 days before the first dose of nivolumab, with the exceptions of intranasal, inhaled, topical steroids
Patients with Grade ≥2 neuropathy
History of allogeneic organ transplant.
History of hypersensitivity to nivolumab or any excipient
Approved drug(s)
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Hershey, PA ,

A Phase III De-escalation of Breast Radiation for Stage I, Hormone Sensitive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer (PSCI# 21-098) (NRG-BR007)

This study is being done to answer the following question:Is treatment with hormonal therapy as good as the usual treatment of radiation and hormonal therapy in women with low-risk breast cancer who have had lumpectomy? We are doing this study because we want to find out if this approach is better or worse than the usual approach for your breast cancer. The usual approach is defined as care most people get for low-risk, early stage breast cancer that is sensitive to hormones.

Pt will either have radiation therapy to the breast and take a hormonal drug for at least five years or you will only take a hormonal drug for at least five years.


Leonard Tuanquin 717-531-5471
Radiology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
The patient must be > 50 years and < 70 years of age
The patient must have recovered from surgery with the incision completely healed and no signs of infection
The patient must have an ECOG performance status of 0 or 1
The tumor must be unilateral invasive adenocarcinoma of the breast on histologic examination
The tumor must have been determined to be HER2-negative by current ASCO/CAP guidelines

Exclusion Criteria:
Definitive clinical or radiologic evidence of metastatic disease
pT2 - pT4 tumors including inflammatory breast cancer
Patient had a mastectomy
Non-epithelial breast malignancies such as sarcoma or lymphoma
Paget's disease of the nipple
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A multisensory evoked potential brain-computer interface for communication in ALS

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device that has the potential to restore communication by direct translation of brain signals. The BCI used in this study, the P300 Speller, relies on the generation of a P300 evoked potential when a user is presented a rare and unpredictable target stimulus amidst a larger pool of non-target stimuli. This evoked potential is used to perform selections on the computer. Those with advanced ALS demonstrate decreased capacity for BCI control using the P300 speller. With this study, we aim to use a combination of eye tracking and sensory testing to quantify sensory and cognitive processes necessary for the generation of a P300 response. We will test the performance of a multisensory P300 spelling task, where brain potentials are evoked using a combination of visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. The goal is to demonstrate the perceptual benefits of multisensory integration and generate evidence for its use in this patient group.

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device that has the potential to restore communication by direct translation of brain signals. The BCI used in this study, the P300 Speller, relies on the generation of a P300 evoked potential when a user is presented a rare and unpredictable target stimulus amidst a larger pool of non-target stimuli. This evoked potential is used to perform selections on the computer.With this study, we aim to use a combination of eye tracking and sensory testing to quantify sensory and cognitive processes necessary for the generation of a P300 response. We will test the performance of a multisensory P300 spelling task, where brain potentials are evoked using a combination of visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli.



Andrew Geronimo
Andrew Geronimo - at or 717-531-0003, ext=282576
Neurosurgery (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years of age or older
Fluent in written and spoken English.
Able to visit the study site in-person for the study visits
(Patient Group Only) - Diagnosis of motor neuron disease, including ALS.
(Control Group Only) Neurologically healthy individuals matching the age, gender, and education level of the patient cohort.

Exclusion Criteria:
Those unable to undergo electroencephalography (EEG) due to either allergies to lotions, cuts on the scalp or active infections.
History of seizure disorder
Co-existing neurological or psychiatric illness that, in the opinion of the research team, exclude the subject from participation.
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PSCI-23-089: CAFs (Combination of Atezolizumab and Pirfenidone in Second-line and Beyond NSCLC): a Phase I/II study

Researchers in this trial will be using a combination of two drugs to determine if the combination will help in treating cancer by shrinking tumors and controlling cancer growth.

You will need to come to the clinic for at least six visits while you are taking the study medication. Those visits will include see the study doctor, having blood drawn, and giving you the study drug. When you are no longer taking the study drug you will be seen about 2 months after that followed by phone follow ups between 6 and 8 months after stopping the study drug and then every year for 2 years. Those yearly visits can also be done by looking at you medical record.


Takefumi Komiya
CI CTO at or 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Participant or legal representative is able to provide written informed consent prior to performing any protocol-related procedures.
Men or women at least 18 years of age with histologically or cytologically confirmed non-small cell lung cancer.
Previous history of other than lung cancer is allowed if no active treatment for that cancer within 1 year
Life expectancy of at least 6 months
Recurrent Unresectable stage III NSCLC treated with prior chemoradiation followed by maintenance PD1/PDL1 inhibitor with measurable disease.

Exclusion Criteria:
Has a known hypersensitivity to atezolizumab or pirfenidone.
Has uncontrolled diabetes.
Has a history of any Grade 3 or 4 toxicities to a prior checkpoint inhibitor treatment.
Is pregnant or breast feeding.
Has drug-induced pneumonitis ( e.g. from amiodarone, methotrexate or nitrofurantoin)
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social and non-social risky decision making.

The purpose of this study is to understand the neural and behavioral mechanisms subserving social and non-social risky decision making.

There will be one in-person lab visit where you will play a decision-making game, while having an fMRI scan.



Nina Lauharatanahirun
Nina Lauharatanahirun - at
Biomedical Engineering (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years or older
Able to read and speak English
Normal to corrected vision in order to see a computer screen clearly
No history of head injury
No MRI contraindications

Exclusion Criteria:
History of head injury
Had an event where loss of consciousness > 10 minutes
Weighs more than 300 pounds
Does not read and speak English
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

The Use of Micro-Doppler Radar for Fall Risk Assessment: A feasibility pilot

The purpose of this research is the understand the feasibility of using radar to identify older adults at high-risk for falls. We will enroll two groups of participants 65 and older: one group who self-report at least one fall in the past year and a control group that has no reported falls. Participants will move in front of the radar tool while we measure their movements. We will use machine learning algorithms to determine if there are differences in the movement patterns of those who have fallen versus those who have not. We hope that using the radar tool will be an effective method of identifying older adults at high risk for falls, thus enabling fall risk prevention interventions.

Participants 65 and older will come to one, 30-minute in-person visit at the Lebanon Valley College in Annville, PA and will perform a variety of movements that mimic activities of daily living. You will be asked to stand still, to get up and down from a chair, and to walk a short distance. You will be asked to repeat each of these movements several times while study team measures these movements with a radar device and a video camera.



Cayce Onks
Leonard Kishel - at or 717-531-0003, ext=321657
Family and Community Medicine (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
age 65 and older
able to safely walk 20 feet without stopping and without assistive devices
Fall Group: at least 1 fall in the past year
Control Group: no falls in the past year
can read and write in English

Exclusion Criteria:
age less than 65 years
self-reported chest pain or shortness of breath when walking less than 20 feet
any surgeries in the past 3 months
history of lower extremity surgery that would alter normal gait mechanics (e.g. amputation))
chronic neurodegenerative disease, cognitive impairment, or balance issues
Prevention, Sports Medicine, Muscle & Bone
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,