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PSCI 23-121 Phase III Randomized Trial of Stereotactic ablativeradiotherapy (SAbR) for Oligometastatic Advanced RenalCarcinoma (SOAR)

This study is looking at patients with oligometastasis comparing chemotherapy and SABR with chemotherapy alone

•Blood counts and blood chemistry done at initiation and every three months to make sure you are not having any side effects from the study affecting your blood counts.•CT or MRI scans done at initiation and every three months to monitor the response of the treatment to your cancer•Physical exams done every three months to confirm your general well-being and to detect side effects from the study.Compete physical and well being form as set below:•Baseline•3 months from start of treatment•6 months from start of treatment•9 months from start of treatment•12 months from start of treatment•18 months from start of treatment•24 months from start of treatment


Stuthi Perimbeti 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
must be 18 or older
patient may not have brain metastases
Patient may have any RCC histology except a histology that has a sarcomatoid component.
Patient must have a pathologically (histologically or cytologically) proven diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) prior to randomization.
Patient must have primary site addressed by local therapy. If the primary RCC is intact, the patient must undergo local treatment to the primary before randomization.

Exclusion Criteria:
Patient must not have received any prior systemic therapy (except for adjuvant setting, see 3.1.9) for metastatic RCC.
Patient must not be pregnant or breast-feeding due to the potential harm to an unborn fetus and possible risk for adverse events in nursing infants with the treatment regimens being used
Patients must not expect to conceive until after 6 months after the last dose of protocol medication
Patients with a history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection must have been treated and cured.
In order to participate in the QOL portion of the protocol, the patient must speak English or Spanish.
Kidney & Urinary System, Cancer
Approved drug(s)
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Hershey, PA ,

The association between perceived parenting styles, intolerance of uncertainty, and anxiety among young adults

This study aims to understand the association between young adults' perceived parenting, intolerance of uncertainty, and trait anxiety. Participant will be asked to complete a questionnaire that aims to answer the environment and parenting beliefs around which they were brought up, and if they face stressors and anxieties associated with them. This is a correlational study


Aishwarya Sastry
Aishwarya Sastry - at
Behavioral Sciences and Education (HARRISBURG)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18-34 years old
Geographical location: USA
All genders
All ethnicities

Exclusion Criteria:
Individuals below 18 years
Individuals over 34 years
Individuals residing outside USA
Prevention, Education, Mental & Behavioral Health
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The Use of Micro-Doppler Radar to Identify Service Members at Risk for Musculoskeletal Injury: A Gold Standard Comparison

The purpose of this research study is to see if we can use micro-doppler signal technology to determine if someone has had an ACL reconstruction in the past. We will do this by comparing a group of people who have had the surgery against a group who has never had this surgery to see if this technology can tell the difference.

If you join this study you would be asked to come to a one-hour appointment at the Lebanon Valley College campus in Annville, PA and perform a variety of activities that are part of daily life, such as walking, jumping, and standing from a seated position. We'll ask you to complete a questionnaire on any musculoskeletal pain you're experiencing and report your demographic information.



Cayce Onks
Leonard Kishel - at or 717-531-0003, ext=321657
Family and Community Medicine (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Ages 18-40
ACL Group: ACL Reconstruction surgery 9-72 months prior and approved to return to normal activities
Control group: No history of lower extremity surgery
Able to provide consent and read/write in English
No current musculoskeletal injuries

Exclusion Criteria:
Pregnant person
any surgery within 6 months of the study visit
Unable to provide consent or read/write in English
Unable to perform movements consistent with daily activities such as walking, jumping, or moving from sit to stand
Prevention, Sports Medicine, Muscle & Bone
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

The effects of local negative pressure on forearm and skin blood flow in humans

This study continues our exploration into the mechanisms underlying the control of blood flow. During the experiments, we noninvasively measure skin blood flow (SkBF) and forearm blood flow (FBF) with a FLPI and venous occlusion plethysmography (VOP), respectively. The FLPI uses a low energy laser to measure SkBF. VOP uses blood pressure cuffs on the upper arm and wrist, and an elastic strain gauge encircling the forearm between the cuffs to measure the change in forearm-circumference over time from which we calculate FBF. For each experiment, we collect SkBF and FBF data for a 20-minute baseline, expose the skin of the forearms to negative pressure and then collect SkBF and FBF data for an additional 30-90 minutes. Each subject participates in 2 experiments that differ only in the protocol for the application of negative pressure (i.e. continuous, pulse).


Lacy Alexander
Gabie Dillon - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Men and women aged 18-40 years

Exclusion Criteria:
•Diagnosed cardiovascular, metabolic, or dermatological conditions that may impact the outcome measures of interest.
•Individuals that use nicotine-containing products
Illicit or recreational drug-use
•Taking corticosteroids, anticoagulants, NSAIDS, or blood thinners
Heart & Vascular
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State College, PA ,


This study is being done to answer the following question:Can tomosynthesis mammography, three-dimensional x-ray imaging of the breast, lower your chance of developing life-threatening breast cancer through routine screening compared with digital mammography, two-dimensional x-ray imaging of the breast?We are doing this study because we want to find out which of the two usual approaches to breast cancer screening are better in the early detection of life-threatening breast cancers.


Rebecca Sivarajah
Swati Shah - at
Radiology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Women age 45 or older and under age 75 at the time of study entry
Patients must be scheduled for, or have intent to schedule, a screening mammogram.
Patients must be able to tolerate digital breast tomosynthesis and fullfield digital mammographic imaging required by protocol.
Patients must be willing and able to provide a written informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:
Women of childbearing potential must not be known to be pregnant or lactating.
Patients must not have new symptoms or signs of benign or malignant breast disease
Patients must not have had a screening mammogram within the last 11 months prior to date of randomization.
Patients must not have previous personal history of breast cancer including ductal carcinoma in situ
Patients must not currently have breast enhancements (e.g., implants or injections).
Prevention, Cancer, Women's Health
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Hershey, PA ,

A Phase II/III Study of Maintenance Nivolumab versus Observation in HPV Positive OPCA (PSCI# 20-016) (EA3161)

The purpose of this study is to compare the usual treatment alone (radiation and chemotherapy) to adding maintenance nivolumab to the usual treatment. The addition of nivolumab to the usual treatment could shrink your cancer or prevent it from returning. But, it could also cause side effects, which are described in the risks section below.This study will help the study doctors find out if this different approach is better than the usual approach. To decide if it is better, the study doctors will be looking to see if the nivolumab increases the lifetime of the patient without progression for 10 years.This immunotherapy drug, nivolumab, is already approved by the FDA for use in advanced and incurable head and neck cancer. But, most of the time it is not used until the cancer is very advanced and chemotherapy stops working. In this study we believe the use of nivolumab has a chance of preventing the cancer from coming back for patients with your type of cancer. There will be about 286 people taking part in the first part (phase II) of the study and 458 more people taking part in second part (phase III), if the results of the phase II portion are promising and if there is evidence that nivolumab may prolong your life.

The purpose of this study is to compare the usual treatment alone (radiation and chemotherapy) to adding maintenance nivolumab to the usual treatment.


Mitchell Machtay 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age ≥ 18 years.
ECOG performance status of 0 or 1.
Patients must have oropharynx cancer that is p16-positive by immunohistochemistry
Adequate baseline organ and marrow function
Adequate baseline liver functionality

Exclusion Criteria:
Patients with a history of allergic reactions attributed to platinum based chemotherapy agents
Patients must not have had prior systemic therapy or radiation treatment for p16 positive OPSCC
Patients must not have received previous irradiation for head and neck, tumor, skull base, or brain tumors
Patients must not have known hypersensitivity to nivolumab
Patients with evidence of distant metastases or leptomeningeal disease are excluded
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Hershey, PA ,

Factors Influencing the Decision to Report Sexual Violence on Campus

Research project to understand why students do or do not choose to report sexual assault exposure to police or university officials.

One interview via video conferencing or in person.Optional follow up interview via video conferencing.

$35 for initial interviews; $12 for follow ups


Kamaria Porter
Kamaria Porter - at
Education Policy Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Woman (cis-gender, nonbinary, Trans women)
experienced unwanted sex, assault, or harassment during higher education study
currently in undergraduate or graduate program
recently graduated, transferred, or pausing higher education program
Racial background is Black, Afro-Latina, Afro-Indigenous, Black Multiracial

Exclusion Criteria:
did not experienced unwanted sex, assault, or harassment during higher education study
Education, Women's Health
Not applicable
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Angiotensin-(1-7) Cardiovascular Effects in Aging

We will investigate the effects of acute intravenous infusion of the hormone, angiotensin-(1-7), on cardiovascular function in healthy older adults in a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.

Participation in this study will include three separate visits to the Clinical Research Center within the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Participants will first have a screening visit to determine if they are able to participate in this study. If eligible based on the screening visit, they will participate in two study visits separated by at least one week. At each study visit, they will be infused with doses of a placebo or angiotensin-(1-7) for about two hours. Before and at the end of the infusion, we will measure blood pressure and blood flow, nerve activity with an acupuncture-type needle in your leg, and collect blood samples from a small plastic tube (catheter) placed in the arm. Cells will also be collected from inside the vein using the catheter if the participant is willing.The study visits will include intravenous infusion of angiotensin-(1-7) or saline for approximately two hours, starting with increasing doses and holding at a steady-state dose. Endothelial function will be measured and blood samples and endothelial cells (if willing) will be collected at baseline and at the end of infusions. Blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle sympathetic nerve activity via microneurography will be measured throughout the study.

$25 per hour; additional $25 per study visit for cell collection


Amy Arnold
Aimee Cauffman - at or 717-531-1617
Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 65 to 80 years
Body Mass Index between 18.5-30 kg/m2
Blood pressure less than 130/80 without medication
No serious chronic medical problems
Fluent in written and spoken English

Exclusion Criteria:
Current smokers
History of cardiovascular, liver, or kidney disease
Taking certain medications (such as SNRIs, NET inhibitors, anticoagulants, glucocorticoids)
Women who are pregnant, nursing, or taking hormone replacement therapy
Evidence of diabetes
Heart & Vascular
Experimental drug compared to a placebo/”sugar pill”
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Hershey, PA ,

Investigation of Digital Media Use, Anxiety, and Biobehavioral Emotion Regulation in Adolescents

Over the past few decades, the social world of teens has been transformed by the use of digital technology. This study will examine associations between digital media use and emotions in adolescents' daily lives.Youth and their parent will complete questionnaires and semi-structured clinical interviews regarding the youth’s emotions, social experiences, and possible anxiety symptoms. For 10 consecutive days, youth will complete one computerized task once per day and four mini questionnaires via the Wear-It app on the youth's mobile device.Some youth will also participate in a lab visit that will last approximately two hours. Six months later, all youth will be asked to repeat one computerized task once per day and four mini questionnaires via the Wear-It App on the youth's mobile device.One year after enrollment, participants will complete final questionnaires, interviews, one computerized task once per day and four mini questionnaires via the Wear-It App on the youth's mobile device. Some youth will also participate in a lab visit that will last approximately two hours.

Over the past few decades, the social world of teens has been transformed by the use of digital technology. This study will examine associations between digital media use and emotions in adolescents' daily lives.Youth and their parent will complete questionnaires and semi-structured clinical interviews regarding the youth’s emotions, social experiences, and possible anxiety symptoms. For 10 consecutive days, youth will complete one computerized task once per day and four mini questionnaires via the Wear-It app on the youth's mobile device.Some youth will also participate in a lab visit that will last approximately two hours. Six months later, all youth will be asked to repeat one computerized task once per day and four mini questionnaires via the Wear-It App on the youth's mobile device.One year after enrollment, participants will complete final questionnaires, interviews, one computerized task once per day and four mini questionnaires via the Wear-It App on the youth's mobile device. Some youth will also participate in a lab visit that will last approximately two hours.



Sarah Myruski
Stacey LeVan - at or 814-863-6485

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Youth age 14-16.9 with a parent
Speak, write and read English
Must reside and participate from the US

Exclusion Criteria:
Not able to speak, write or read in English
Neurological disorders (ie, Autism, seizures)
Youth of parent not between 14-16.9 years of age
Those not residing in or participating from the US
Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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Strengths, Outcomes, Adversity, and Resilience in College-Aged Childhood Cancer Survivors: The PSU SOAR Study

The purpose of this study is to analyze the strengths, outcomes, adversity, and resilience, as indicated by self-reported experiences in college students who may or may not be childhood cancer survivors. We are asking college students aged 18-23 years attending 4 year universities in the United States to report on their childhood health experiences and their current mental, physical, and social well being during college using a confidential survey. We plan to recruit students who have or have not had a childhood history of cancer and will also ask questions about their demographic information and health habits.

The participants will be asked to complete a confidential online survey that will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Participants are eligible to earn a $75 Amazon gift card through a random drawing that they can choose to enter after submitting their survey responses


Laura Klein
Nikolette Nolte - at or 484-268-6550
Biobehavioral Health (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Aged 18-23 years
College student attending 4 year university
English as primary language

Exclusion Criteria:
Younger than 18 years or older than 23 years
Not attending a 4 year university
Does not have English as primary language
Mental & Behavioral Health, Cancer
Not applicable
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The role of thromboxane A2 and its receptor in vascular regulation in women with endometriosis

Women with endometriosis have more thromboxane being produced in their platelets. Thromboxane affects blood vessels, making them constrict, and sensory nerves, making them more sensitive. This study will determine if women with endometriosis are negatively effected by the excess thromboxane.

There will be three in-person visits: one screening and two experimental visits. Participants will take aspirin before one visit and a placebo before the other then will undergo brief tests of nerve sensitivity and a blood draw.



Lacy Alexander
Sue Slimak - at or 814-863-8556

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18-48 years
born with a uterus
with and without endometriosis

Exclusion Criteria:
diagnosed cardiovascular disease
hormone replacement therapy within previous 2 months
nicotine use
pregnant or breastfeeding
aspirin allergy or hypersensitivity
Heart & Vascular, Pain Management, Women's Health
Approved drug(s)
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Hershey, PA ,
State College, PA ,

Interlimb differences in Motor Control and Learning

This study examines how each brain hemisphere contributes to motor control and coordination. Participants play virtual reality/computer games to look at how their arms move during different activities.


Robert Sainburg
Brooke Fosaaen - at or 814-865-7937

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
over the age of 18

Exclusion Criteria:
neurological disease
upper-extremity orthopedic injuries that interfere with participation
Neurology, Sports Medicine, Muscle & Bone
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Hershey, PA ,
State College, PA ,


Patients diagnosed withy inoperable node positive non small cell lung cancer will be randomized to with radiation therapy to all know sites of disease in the lung, followed by immunotherapy or radiation to the primary lung tumor, followed by radiation to the lymph nodes followed by immunotherapy

Participants will be required to come to all study visits, report to the study doctor any new medications, prescription or over the counter that they may be taking,


Joseph Miccio 717-531-5471
Radiation Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Pathologically (histologically or cytologically) proven diagnosis of Stage II or III (AJCC Eighth Edition) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with known PD-L1 status prior to registration.
The patient must be deemed clinically appropriate for curative intent definitive combined modality therapy, based on the following staging assessments:
No evidence of distant metastases based on FDG PET/CT scan obtainedwithin 60 days of registration.
Primary tumor ≤ 7 cm;
Age ≥ 18;

Exclusion Criteria:
Prior radiotherapy to the region of the study cancer that would result in overlap of radiation therapy fields that is determined by the treating physician to impede the treatment of the study malignancy.
Patients without identifiable primary tumor
Centrally located primary tumor < 2 cm from involved nodal disease which would result in significant overlap of the primary SBRT and nodal radiation fields
Participants who are pregnant or unwilling to discontinue nursing.
Participants of childbearing potential (participants who may become pregnant or who may impregnate a partner) unwilling to use highly effective contraceptives during therapy
Approved drug(s)
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Hershey, PA ,

Human Interaction with Information and Communication Technology

This study investigates users’ experience with Information and Communication Technology (ICTs). This study makes further implications for designing more user-friendly ICT for a better user experience. We aim to make such contributions by answering these questions:1.How do users interact with ICTs?2.What challenges do users face when using ICTs?3.What strategies do users apply to adapt themselves to ICTs?4.What service do ICT producers provide for users to get better user experience?5.When does user experience break down when interacting with ICTs?


Yao Lyu
Yao Lyu - at
Information Sciences and Technology (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years or elder
all genders included
have prior experience with ICT
speak Madarin or English

Exclusion Criteria:
younger than 18 years old
vulnerable populations like cognitive impaired adults, prisoners.
no prior experience with ICT
speak neither Madarin nor English
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Normalizing preteen HPV vaccination with practice-based communication strategies (Protect Them)

This study seeks to adapt and test a culturally-relevant, web-based game intervention to motivate Spanish-speaking preteens to initiate and complete human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. The present study will adapt an existing web-based game developed as an educational tool on HPV vaccination for English-speaking preteens in North Carolina. The study includes the recruitment of paired dyads (Spanish-speaking preteens and parents) to focus groups to evaluate the acceptability of cultural adaptations to the existing web-based game intervention. We will recruit up to 25 parents and preteens ages 11-12 who will receive a link to the Spanish game to play for 7-10 days in advance of the focus group discussions. The focus groups will ask participants about cultural and language adaptations to the existing game and how they react to a game that will serve as an interactive, educational tool on HPV vaccination. The focus groups will take place in Harrisburg, PA between January and March of 2018. No health information will be collected as part of this study.


William Calo
William Calo - at or 717-531-3535
Public Health Sciences (HERSHEY)

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Pretens 11 or 12 years old
Not vaccinated with the HPV vaccine
Have computer, tablet, or smartphone

Exclusion Criteria:
Having received the HPV vaccine
Children's Health, Prevention
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Harrisburg, PA ,

How Immigration Looks to America: Perspectives of the Photographic Portrayals of Immigrants in News Photographs

This study will involve surveying college students regarding their perceptions about how immigrants are portrayed in news media.


Hans Schmidt
Hans Schmidt - at or 610-892-1251, ext=6108921251
Academic Affairs (BRANDYWINE)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Student at Penn State

Exclusion Criteria:
Below age 18
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Dynamic Assessment of Vocabulary Learning Strategies

To provide better understanding of Chinese students' vocabulary learning Strategies and help develop better learning strategies

Complete seven sessions, which may take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time per session.Read several English short texts and identify meanings of target words.Possibly participate in a virtual interview that will be scheduled at your convenience.


Yuwei Xia
Yuwei Xia - at or 626-999-1712
Division of Graduate Studies (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Of Chinese origin or descent
Adult English learners
Currently enrolled in a college or university

Exclusion Criteria:
English as Native Language
Not Chinese
Not applicable
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Watch Over: Using Apple Watches to Assess and Predict Substance Co-use in Young Adults

This study seeks to understand substance use and other health behaviors in young adults' daily lives. Interested participants can email the study team to complete a brief screener to see determine their eligibility. If eligible, participants will be asked to complete a short online survey and follow-up surveys for up to four weeks via a mobile device. Financial compensation will be provided.

This study involves three parts. First, potential participants will complete an online screener survey. If they are eligible, they will be immediately enrolled in the study and will proceed to the baseline survey. Second, participants who have completed the baseline portion of the study will schedule an in-person visit with the research team for the next portion of the study. At the start of the in-person visit, participants will be oriented about the study design which involves completing daily surveys about various health behaviors. Third, participants will come back in-person for a brief final visit and receive payment.



Saeed Abdullah
Sahiti Kunchay - at
Information Sciences and Technology (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Between 18-25 years of age
Current Penn State student
Currently owns and uses an iPhone with iOS version 15 or newer
Determined eligible through screener

Exclusion Criteria:
Eligibility determined using a screening survey
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State College, PA ,

CCTG MA.39- A Randomized Trial of Regional Radiotherapy in Biomarker Low Risk Node Positive Breast Cancer

Purpose of this study is to compare any good and bad effects of not using regional radiotherapy to using radiotherapy. The study will help researcher learn if not giving regional radiotherapy is just as good as using regional therapy to treat node positive breast cancer in women.

Blood will be drawn at two time points and number of visits will be determined by the individual radiation treatment plan.


Marc Rovito
Michelle Eschbach - at or 610-378-2336
Cancer Institute (ST. JOSEPH)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Estrogen Receptor Positive / Her2 Negative Breast Cancer
No evidence of metastasis
1 - 3 positive lymph nodes
May have had breast conserving surgery or mastectomy
35 years of age or older

Exclusion Criteria:
Nodal disease limited to micromets or isolated cells
History of ipsilateral breast cancer or DCIS
Synchronous or contralateral breast cancer
pT4 disease
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for breast cancer
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Reading, PA ,

Can more sleep improve pain responses, symptomatology, and regulation in college students?

This study is being done to find out how whether sleep duration is associated with pain responses and if a sleep intervention predicts a higher tolerance and a higher threshold for pain. This is a 21-day study. Participants will be asked to wear sleep-monitoring watches. Pressure pain and cold pain will be measured at study visits.

There will be four in-person visits. Height, weight, and blood pressure will be measured during each study visit. Participants will also be asked to complete surveys during each study visit.Pain will be measured during visits 2-4. Blood will be drawn during visits 2-4. Retinal images will be captured during visits 2-4. A Trail making test (a test for executive functioning) will be administered during visit 2-4. Participants will also be asked to provide screen shots of their phone screen use at visits 2-4.



Anne-Marie Chang 814-343-1928
Biobehavioral Health (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 to 24 (inclusive) years of age at enrollment
Fluent English speaker and reader
Willing to refrain from initiating new therapeutic interventions (e.g., medication; behavioral) designed to target sleep or pain for the duration of study participation

Exclusion Criteria:
Diagnosed with a sleep disorder
Diagnosed with a pain disorder
Has experienced a cold-related injury or has any other nerve damage to the feet
Has a history of injury to any of the muscular measurement sites for pain (I.e. shoulder, jaw, forearm)
Diagnosed with hypertension or cardiovascular disease
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

EA8183 A Phase III Study of Early Intervention after RADICAl ProstaTEctomy with Androgen Deprivation Therapy with Darolutamide vs. Placebo in Men at Highest Risk of Prostate Cancer Metastasis by Genomic Stratification (ERADICATE) (PSCI# 21-122)

This study is being done to answer the following question:Will the addition of a new drug, darolutamide, to standard Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) (a hormonal therapy that is a usual approach to treatment) after surgery cure more men with prostate cancer than using Androgen Deprivation Therapy alone?We are doing this study because we want to find out if this approach is better or worse than the usual approach for your prostate cancer. The usual approach is defined as care most people get for prostate cancer.

This study is being done to answer the following question:Will the addition of a new drug, darolutamide, to standard Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) (a hormonal therapy that is a usual approach to treatment) after surgery cure more men with prostate cancer than using Androgen Deprivation Therapy alone?We are doing this study because we want to find out if this approach is better or worse than the usual approach for your prostate cancer. The usual approach is defined as care most people get for prostate cancer.


Joseph Miccio 717-531-5471
Radiation Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Patient must be = 18 years of age.
Patient must have undergone a radical prostatectomy (RP) and must be preregistered to Step 0 of this study at least 6 weeks after but not more than 12 weeks after their radical prostatectomy.
Patient must not have any previous treatment with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), chemotherapy, or other physician prescribed systemic therapy for treatment of their prostate cancer.
Patient must have an ECOG performance status of 0-2.

Exclusion Criteria:
Patient must not have pathologic evidence of pelvic lymph node involvement.
Patient must not have an uncontrolled intercurrent illness including, but not limited to, ongoing or active infection, symptomatic congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association Class III and IV heart failure).
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Hershey, PA ,

Abstract Reasoning, Decision Making and Social Judgment as Markers of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) in Midlife in Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME)

This study will look for emerging patterns of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD), an early onset dementia, in Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME). JME is a type of epilepsy that usually begins in adolescence and is known to be associated with disturbances of higher-level reasoning, mood and personality. JME patients are often managed by family physicians, rather than epilepsy specialists; with little known about aging with JME. We think that JME patients will demonstrate a pattern of executive dysfunction that is consistent with consensus criteria for FTLD, characterized by declines in abstract reasoning, judgment, and verbal problem solving, as well as behavior. We also think that there will be an inverse relationship between apathy and conscientiousness. We plan to obtain this information by formal cognitive testing of non-demented JME patients over a period of 2 years, at 6-month intervals, to look for progression of symptoms. Loved ones/caregivers will complete informant questionnaires about patient's mood and personality at the beginning of the study and at 6 month intervals throughout the duration of the 24 month study. We will also include loved one/caregiver cognitive testing at the beginning of the study to obtain healthy information for comparison to patient's findings. Our objectives are to characterize the executive functioning profiles of JME in midlife, taking into account cognition, mood, personality, nutritional status and lifestyle. The information obtained may contribute to better care of JME patients prior to midlife and throughout the course of aging.

Visit 1 for both patient and healthy caregiver participants will involve administration of the JME Virtual Visit Protocol via PSH Zoom. Participants will have completed their REDCap questionnaires prior to the visit to the research coordinator, who will be conducting the assessment. Visit 2-5 for patient participants will involve administration of the JME Virtual Visit Protocol via PSH Zoom. JME participation consists of 5 virtual visits with the study’s research coordinator, lasting approximately two hours each, for completion of standardized tests of problem-solving, thinking, and concentration, as defined above. Caregiver healthy control participation consists of 1 virtual visit with the study’s research coordinator, lasting approximately two hours, for completion of standardized tests of problem-solving, thinking, and concentration, as defined above. Remaining participation involves completion of objective inventories providing a caregiver perspective of the patient participant’s mood and behavior at 6-month intervals, within the 24 month time frame of the study.


Claire Flaherty
Meghan Grubb - at or 717-531-1804
Neurology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
JME in the absence of any other neurological condition
Primary language English
age 35 - 65
Mainstream Education
Loved one or caregiver to complete questionnaires

Exclusion Criteria:
Neurological conditions other than JME, including history of head trauma
Cardiac conditions affecting cognition
Other medical conditions affecting cognition,e.g.,hypoglycemia
Hospitalization for major depressive disorder within the past year
No available loved one or caregiver to complete questionnaires
Neurology, Mental & Behavioral Health, Language & Linguistics
Not applicable
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Angiotensin-(1-7) and Energy Expenditure in Human Obesity

We will investigate the effects of the hormone angiotensin-(1-7) on energy expenditure in patients with obesity.

This is an outpatient study that requires a screening visit, and if eligible, one study visit in the Clinical Research Center within the Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. The screening visit will take about one hour and includes a brief physical examination and medical history, urine pregnancy test if female and of childbearing potential, measurement of heart rhythm, collection of blood samples, and measurements of body composition. If eligible based on the results of the screening visit, participants will be invited to participate in one study visit that will take about four hours. Participants will complete food recall and activity questionnaires prior to the study visit and asked not to change eating or physical activity patterns. A urine pregnancy test will be given for females of childbearing potential. Participants will lie down on a bed and a catheter (small plastic tube) will be placed in a vein in each arm to draw blood samples and to give study medications. Equipment will then be placed to measure heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and the amount of oxygen in the blood. After placing this equipment, participants will be allowed to rest for at least 20 minutes. Resting energy expenditure will then be measured by asking participants to breathe through a canopy placed over their head that is connected to a metabolic cart for 45 minutes. Blood samples will be taken to measure hormones influencing resting energy expenditure. Participants will then receive either angiotensin-(1-7) or normal saline (salt water) through the catheter in the arm for up to two hours. Angiotensin-(1-7) is a substance that the body produces naturally; however, in this form, it is considered experimental, which means the Food and Drug Administration has not approved it for this use. Participants will receive either angiotensin-(1-7) or normal saline. The treatment will be randomly assigned meaning that it is determined purely by chance, and neither the participant nor study investigators will know which treatment is received. Blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen in the blood will be measured continuously while giving angiotensin-(1-7) or normal saline. During the last 45 minutes of the treatment, resting energy expenditure will be measured again and additional blood samples taken. Participants will also have the option of allowing for a small piece of fat to be taken from under the skin in the abdominal region (fat tissue biopsy). Participants will then be allowed to recover for at least 20 minutes and then all equipment will be removed. After the study visit, a nurse will contact participants to check on general well-being and answer any questions.

$25 per hour; additional $75 for fat tissue biopsy


Amy Arnold
Aimee Cauffman - at or 717-531-1617
Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Men and women of all races
Age 18-60 years
Body mass index between 30-40 kg/m2
Capable of giving informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:
Age less than 18 years or greater than 60 years
Pregnant or nursing women
Current smokers
Type I or type II diabetes
History of major cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, immune diseases, impaired kidney or liver function
Heart & Vascular, Diabetes & Hormones
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Hershey, PA ,

Children’s reaction to multimodal cues in instructional materials

We aim to study how minoritized students perceive multimodal cues in instructional materials to improve STEM teaching for their STEM identity development.

To participate in the study at Penn State, students will be accompanied with their parent or a legal guardian. During the 40-minute session, participants will be asked to complete a brief survey and take part in an interview.



Chanmin Kim
ChanMin Kim - at or 814-865-9919
Learning and Performance Systems (UNIVERSITY PARK)

Younger than 18 years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Racially and/or ethnically minoritized students among 2nd through 5th graders
English is understood by prospective subjects or representatives

Exclusion Criteria:
Not racially and/or ethnically minoritized students among 2nd through 5th graders
English is not understood by prospective subjects or representatives
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State College, PA ,

A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Treprostinil in Subjects with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

A phase 3 clinical trial to investigate the effectiveness and safety of a study drug in subjects in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

You will be required to attend 8 in-person visits at the Hershey Medical Center over the span of approximately one year. During the study you will have physical examinations, complete questionnaires, review your medical history and current medications, have vital signs and ECGs taken, have blood tests performed, complete pulmonary function testing, and potentially have a high resolution CT scan done. You will take the inhaled treprostinil or placebo daily at home throughout the study.


Rebecca Bascom
Timothy Sheehan - at or 717-531-2925
Medicine: Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
At least 40 years of age
Diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Exclusion Criteria:
Taking both Esbriet (pirfenidone) and Ofev (nintedanib)
Female participants who are pregnant or lactating
Receiving more than 10 L/min of oxygen supplementation at rest
Lung Disease & Asthma
Experimental drug compared to a placebo/”sugar pill”
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Hershey, PA ,

Study of Antimalarials in Incomplete Lupus Erythematosus (SMILE)

This is a study to test whether a widely-used drug, hydroxychloroquine, might slow the progression of lupus like features in individuals who are at high risk for developing systemic lupus erythematosus. This will be measured by the accumulation of clinical and laboratory features of lupus. The study will randomize subjects to the active drug, hydroxychloroquine, or placebo, with an equal chance of receiving either treatment. The study treatment lasts approximately 2 years with visits approximately every 3 months.

Visits occur every 3 months for 2 years, Vitals signs and blood draws will occur at every visit.


Nancy Olsen
Jamie Carter - at or 717-531-4921
Medicine: Rheumatology (HERSHEY)

This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Positive for ANA (antinuclear antibodies)
Age 18 to 49 years, inclusive
Have never taken hydroxychloroquine

Exclusion Criteria:
Previous use of immunosuppressive drugs
Diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus
Arthritis & Rheumatic Diseases
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Hershey, PA ,

Prevalence of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) traits among children and adolescents with Food Allergy

This study looks at understanding eating behaviors and attitudes toward food in children/adolescents. More specifically the study's goal is to compare those with and without food allergies to gain a better understanding of a possible underlying factor towards certain behaviors. Children and their caregivers will complete a survey composed of a short section on the child's medical history regarding allergies followed with questions in commonly used clinical assessments.


Jodi Brady-Olympia
Jodi Brady-Olympia - at or 717-531-1383
Pediatrics: General Pediatrics (HERSHEY)

Younger than 18 years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Ages 8-17

Exclusion Criteria:
Age under 8 years old
Age 18 years or older
Intellectual disability preventing comprehension of questions
Child and/or caregiver unable to respond to English-language questionnaire
Children's Health, Allergies, Food & Nutrition
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Parent-to-child anxiety transmission in early childhood: Capturing in-the-moment mechanisms through emotion modeling and biological synchrony

Anxiety can emerge as early as pre-school age (4-7) and is often linked to anxiety in the parent. This study will examine patterns of brain and behavioral synchrony in parent-child pairs as they complete puzzles together and other social activities.

Participation requires three steps; a remote video session with the primary parent, an in-lab visit scheduled with the primary parent and child, and then an additional set of questionnaires given to the secondary caregiver.The remote session consists of obtaining consent, 2 questionnaires, and a clinical interview. The in-lab visit typically lasts about 2-3 hours, consisting of two parent-child activities and several child-only activities. Participants will be asked to wear mobile eye-tracking glasses and special caps used to measures brain activity during some of the tasks.

$125, $100 for the primary parent/or child and $25 for secondary parent


Koraly Perez-Edgar
Kimberly Labra - at or 814-867-2322

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Parents/Caregivers over 18
Children ages 4 to 6

Exclusion Criteria:
major medical illness
Children less than age 4 or over age 6
Children's Health, Mental & Behavioral Health
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State College, PA ,

Cooling strategies for older adults

Average global temperatures and the number of heat waves have increased recently. Humans sweat and increase blood flow to the skin to cool their body when they get hot. Older adults (&gt;65 yrs) do not do this as well as younger adults. This makes them at risk for heat-related illnesses. It is important to learn about cooling strategies that will lower body temperature for older adults in the heat. In this study, we will determine if placing your hands and forearms in cold water and/or supplementation with folic acid are effective cooling strategies for older adults resting in the heat.

There will be 4 in-person visits in a hot and humid environment, there will be folic acid supplementation and placebo for 6 weeks each



William Kenney, Jr.
Susan Slimak - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Healthy subjects 65 and older
Asymptomatic and no signs/symptoms of disease

Exclusion Criteria:
History of Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, or other similar gastrointestinal disease
Medications that could alter cardiovascular responses or body temperature regulation during exercise (blood pressure reducers, fever reducers, anti-depressants, etc.)
Tobacco or recreational drug use
Post-menopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy
Food & Nutrition, Heart & Vascular, Sports Medicine
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State College, PA ,

Genomic Profiling of Urothelial Cancers Study

The objective of this protocol is to study urothelial cancer with detailed health history, tumor and/or normal tissues available for genomic sequencing to study cancers in the bladder, upper urinary tract, and urethra. There will be 3 groups of subjects in this study:1)Urothelial cancer patients receiving care at Penn State Health2)Relatives of patients with urothelial cancer3)High risk-cohort of individuals with family history of urothelial cancers or inherited cancer syndromes (such as Lynch syndrome) candidates for urothelial cancer screening evaluation

All subjects will be asked to fill out questionnaires to assess risk factors for urinary cancer and document family history of cancer. You will be asked to provide a blood sample and urine sample for genetic testing. Patients with urothelial cancer will be asked to allow us to test leftover tissue from a past or future biopsy to test cancer and/or normal cells for certain mutations. We may also ask you for a saliva sample, cheek swab, skin biopsy, or nail clippings for comparison.


Hong Truong
Urology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
personal or family history of urothelial cancer
personal or family history of bladder cancer

Exclusion Criteria:
Cancer other than urothelial cancer
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,