Search Results Within Category "Women's Health"
Effects of amiloride on walking ability in patients with peripheral artery disease
The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of amiloride on the blood pressure response to walking in PAD patients and healthy controls.
In each visit, you will be asked to walk on a treadmill. You will also be asked to take capsules prior to visit 2 and 3. The capsules for one visit will be a drug called amiloride (10mg, in 2 capsules with 5mg of amiloride in each capsule), which was traditionally used to lower blood pressure. The other capsules will be a placebo (no active medication). A blood sample will be drawn at each visit.
You will receive $25 per hour for your participation in this research study
Any race or ethnicity
Healthy: Free of acute medical conditions
PAD: Diagnosis of PAD, no pain at rest
Resting blood pressure of 150/100 or higher
Already taking amiloride
Recent heart attack or epilepsy
Peripheral neuropathy
Healthy Mom Zone: Control Systems Engineering for Optimizing a Prenatal Weight Gain Intervention Study 2.0
The proposed overall research aims to establish feasibility of delivering an individually-tailored, behavioral intervention to manage gestational weight gain [GWG] that adapts to the unique needs and challenges of overweight/obese pregnant women [OW/OB-PW] and will utilize control systems engineering to optimize this intervention; in other words, make this intervention manage GWG in OW/OB-PW as effectively and efficiently as possible.
You will be randomized into an intervention or attention control group from ~8 weeks gestation to ~37 weeks gestation with a BMI of 24-45 (>40 with physician consent).You will have 1 pre-intervention session that explains the study procedures and to get you ready for the study. Here you will also complete various measures of demographics, behavioral surveys, etc.Over the course of the study, you will weigh yourself each day, wear an activity monitor and complete various surveys. If you are randomized to the intervention group, you may have healthy eating demonstrations and/or physical activity sessions each week.You will have 1 post-intervention session where you will return your devices, complete a 30-60 minute interview and complete the last of the surveys.
18-45 years old
8-18 gestational weeks
English speaking
BMI 24-45 (>40 with provider consent)
Younger than 18
Non-English speaking
BMI <24
Postmenopausal women and their endothelium: Is dietary nitrate supplementation protective?
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The loss of estrogen from menopause puts women at a greater risk of developing heart disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of drinking beetroot juice on measures of blood vessel health and blood pressure. Participants will drink beetroot juice and placebo juice each for one week followed by blood pressure measurements and ultrasound imaging of an artery in the upper arm. A sub-aim of this study is to investigate the effects of estrogen status on blood vessel function between pre- and post-menopausal women.
There are a total of 6 in-person visits to the Clinical Research Center. You will be asked to drink beetroot juice (2 oz) every day for 7 days. Participants will undergo vascular assessments, blood pressure measurements, and blood draws (11 in total for 6 visits).
BMI <35
Blood pressure <130/80
LDL <170 mg/dL
Individuals with resting blood pressure > or = 130/80 mmHg
Users of any tobacco and/or nicotine products (smokers, chewing tobacco, nicotine-containing patches/gum, smokeless cigarettes)
Individuals with any overt cardiovascular, metabolic, hematologic, pulmonary, renal, musculoskeletal, and/or neurological disease(s)
Individuals with active cancer
Women and Infants' Stress and Health
The goal of this study is to understand how babies and their mothers learn to respond to stress during the early years of the baby's life. Participating women complete questionnaires and do a mildly stressful task alone (during pregnancy) or with their babies (at four different times over the first two years of the baby's life) and collect saliva samples that tell us about stress responses, either at home or at one of our lab sites. We aim to use what we learn to better support expecting parents who may be at risk for stress-related health problems and improve their children's resilience to stress throughout life.
Women are asked to participate in six sessions over Zoom and/or at the PACT Center between their 28th week of pregnancy and when their child is 2 years old. During these sessions, which last up to 2 hours each, mothers and babies will1.participate in mildly stressful tasks (like having the mother leave the room for up to 3 minutes and then return) and games to assess the baby’s emotional and cognitive development2.provide saliva samples by drooling into a tube (for the mother) or holding a cotton swab in their baby’s mouth to get it wet3.fill out questionnaires about themselves and their baby4.take part in clinical interviews that ask about mood and other markers of psychological ill-being
18 or older
English speaking
The Impact of Menstrual Cup Distribution Programming on College Student Perpetuation of Period Stigma
This is a social sciences study to analyze the effect of menstrual cup introduction through the "CampusCup" free menstrual cup distribution program on the tendency of college students to perpetuate period stigma. A survey will be conducted across samples of students who participated in the CampusCup program, students who use menstrual cups independent of the CampusCup program, and students who have never used menstrual cups. The survey will address motivations behind menstrual cup usage and personal attitudes towards periods. The study seeks to investigate relationships between menstrual cup usage & CampusCup participation and impacts on community attitudes towards menstruation.
At least 18 years of age
Has experienced a menstrual period in the last calendar year
Less than 18 year of age
Has not experienced a menstrual period in the last calendar year
Mental wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic: a study of essential workers and social media use
Through in-depth interviews, we examine how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the daily lives and mental well-being of essential workers, as well as their use of social media.
Social media users (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
Adults 18 or older
Social media users
those working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic
minors (those under 18)
those who do NOT use social media
Smart Connected Water Bottle and Lighting Devices: A Prenatal Pilot Study
We will conduct a pilot study to test feasibility of an innovative light device and blue-light glasses for promoting better sleep and a novel, smart water bottle for proper hydration. We will also examine women’s sleep and hydration behaviors in relation to their perceptions of pain, and obtain feedback from the participants on the overall patient intervention content to reduce prescription opioid use and promote behavioral pain management strategies after delivery.
Currently recruiting pregnant women who are in their 2nd or 3rd trimester.Attend a pre-session (in person OR remote) to explain the use of the water bottle, lighting devices, activity monitors, and weight scaleUse the devices for 22 days and complete surveys in your own homeAttend a post-session (in person OR remote) to return devices and participate an interview about the last 22 days
2nd or 3rd trimester
Reside around State College, PA
Diagnosed eating disorders/extreme dietary restrictions
Currently diagnosed with gestational diabetes
Currently diagnosed with pre-eclampsia
Not pregnant
AWS-PSU: Active Women's Study at Penn State University
AWS-PSU: Active Women's Study at Penn State University This research study is being conducted to evaluate the impact of exercise and reproductive function on bone strength. Eligible young women (age 18-30) are those that are generally healthy and either a) exercising and experiencing regular or irregular menstrual cycles, or b) not exercising and experiencing regular menstrual cycles.
Age 18-30
BMI between 16-29.9
No hormonal contraception for 6 months
Currently using medication impacting bone
Human-Centric Non-Invasive Physiological Sensing System for Early Detection of Workers’ Heat Stress in the Field
This study will examine different structural designs of stretchable, skin-like sensors on the surface of human skin for workers.
There will be one in person visit;Subjects will first be asked to sit still for 3 minutes and then move their skin by the research team for another 3 minutes.
be over 18 years old
must understand English
resources from Penn State, University Park
Voice Perception Study
This is a voice perception study that asks participants to listen to voices and rate on various attributes such as attractiveness, social status, health, and others.
Gender/Sex: Men/Male; Women/Female
Education: PSU students and participants recruited online
Participants who already completed the survey
Participants who took the survey on the mobile phone
Mindful Moms study
This study (Mindful Moms) is being done to understand how an 8-week app-based mindfulness program called Calm impacts breastfeeding and maternal well-being. Eligible participants will be asked to complete three online surveys (each survey will take about 20 minutes) and take part in an 8-week app-based mindfulness program. Eligible participants will also be asked to take part in one online interview that will take about 25-30 minutes once the mindfulness program is over.
Participants will take part in one of two groups: A group asked to take part in a free 8-week app-based mindfulness program on their smartphone starting when they are 36 weeks pregnant or 4 weeks after delivery. The program will teach participants about mindfulness and breathing strategies to assist with calming their mind and body. or A group asked to take part in a free 8-week app-based mindfulness program on your smartphone starting 4 weeks or 12 weeks after they deliver. The program will teach participants about mindfulness and breathing strategies to assist with calming their mind and body. Participants will also be asked to complete three online surveys (each survey will take about 20 minutes) and take part in one online interview that will take about 25-30 minutes once the mindfulness program is over.
currently pregnant (12 to 34 weeks) or recently delivered (within the past 4 weeks)
intend to or are currently breastfeeding
daily access to a smartphone
willing to download a free mobile app
Early Identification in Older Adults of Risks to Sleep Health, Movement, and Cognition Using Ecological Methods
This proposal is a prospective study in which we will collect both subjective and objective quantitative data from older adults residing in independent living retirement communities, microlongitudinally (~1wk). Comprehensive measures of sleep health, cognition, and movement will be collected at community residences. The first phase of this project will recruit local, State College area adults over 70 residing in independent living facilities (e.g., Foxdale Village and The Village at Penn State). A second phase of data collection will extend to community-based older adults in rural parts of Centre and nearby counties.With this prospective, microlongitudinal information we will evaluate the characteristics of sleep predictive of daytime cognitive and neurobehavioral function and use those conclusions to inform nonpharmacologic, preventative interventions for older adults.
After consent, there will be 6 study visits at either Penn State University Park campus or at the participant's personal residence. Study participation lasts about 1 week.Participants wear non-invasive ambulatory watch-like activity monitors throughout (both day and night) the week. Participants complete electronic surveys and cognitive tests 6 times daily, with additional surveys at study conclusion.Sleep and daytime brain and heart activity are recorded (without video) using non-invasive clinical-type wire sensors applied to the face, head, and chest. Wires are worn on the face, head, and chest throughout the first two study nights. Wires are worn on the head and chest throughout the first two study days. There is not a sleep intervention in this study. We are collecting data about the typical sleep health of older adults and its relation to cognitive health.
Resident of PA, Centre County region
Living without functional assistance
Able to walk unassisted for at least 5min
Evidence of cognitive impairment (will be tested)
Modifiable Prevention and Early Intervention Targets for Unhealthy Eating Behaviors: A Study in First Year Undergraduates
This is a research study investigating the prevalence and manifestation of unhealthy eating behaviors and the relationships of energetic status, cognitive function, and reproductive health in a population of first year college students.
Phase 1 will involve a minimum of 1-2 visits, and completion of surveys about your general health, exercise and nutrition history, eating behaviors and attitudes, stress, and reproductive health, as well as cognitive testing and hair sampling. For those who qualify, Phase 2 will involve approximately 4 additional visits. Each visit will be about 2 hours. The visits include completion of surveys about general health, exercise and nutrition history, eating behaviors and attitudes, stress, and reproductive health, as well as cognitive testing and physiological measurements including blood and hair sampling, and tests of metabolism. Study participation will last at minimum about 1 week, and at maximum completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2 will occur over the course of a full academic year.
$25 per visit, up to $75
Age 18-25 Years
BMI 16.5-30 kg/m2
No apparent metabolic, endocrine, or musculoskeletal disease.
Serious or chronic health condition (including thyroid illness, metabolic disease)
Unwilling to adhere to study protocol
Does not speak English or are unable to give consent
Driver Training on the Advanced Driving Assistant System
This research aims to study the training knowledge that is essential for drivers to use Advanced Driving Assistant Systems safely and properly and identify the optimal training approaches.
If you participate in the first experiment, you will receive training of the in-vehicle system via videos and manuals, complete a driving task on the driving simulator, and answer questions from questionnaires. If you participate in the second experiment, there will be two visits. In the first visit, you will receive training via watching and interacting with online videos, watching an experimenter operating ADAS at the test track, or practicing the functions of ADAS in a vehicle at the test track. The functions in the training include adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and Highway Driving Assist. In the second visit, you will complete a driving task on the driving simulator and answer questions from questionnaires.
$30 for experiment1 and $60 for experiment 2
Being fluent in English
Have a valid driver license for at least one year
have normal vision or corrected vision only wearing contact lenses
Respect and Satisfaction in Same-Sex Romantic Relationships
The purpose of this study is to expand on previous research looking at respect and relationship satisfaction among heterosexual relationships and compare it to that of same-sex relationships to find where they are similar or different. Participants will complete self-report measures regarding their romantic relationships, including respect toward partner, satisfaction, and attitudes toward love. 30 minutes will be required for the study.
Daily Thought Monitoring Study for Anxiety and Depression
This study aims to assess the relations among our daily thought patterns, positive emotions, everyday experiences, and cognitive functioning abilities. Eligible participants will complete a series of online questionnaires, a short 15- to 25-minute psychological interview, and brief cognitive functioning tests at Day 1 and Day 16. All visits will occur via Zoom. In between study visits on Day 1 and Day 16, they will be prompted to complete smartphone-delivered assessments of cognitive functioning, symptoms, and experiences for 14 days, 5 times a day. This is important to inform clinicians and researchers on how best to develop effective digital mental health therapies.
During Day 1, participants will undergo a brief 15- to 25-minute clinical interview over Zoom. After the clinical interview, if participants meet the study eligibility criteria, we will continue with the procedures outlined below. Otherwise, if they are ineligible for the study, we will mention that this study is not suitable for them and provide the contact of mental health treatment services. Eligible participants will then conduct a series of self-report questionnaires and performance-based cognitive functioning tests for the next 35 minutes. Participants will then complete a series of 14-day brief ecological momentary assessments administered on their smartphone five times a day, for 14 days. Last, participants will return for a 35- to 45-minute visit on Day 15 to complete a series of self-report questionnaires and performance-based cognitive functioning tests.
Owns an Android or iPhone
Fluent in the English language
Scores on self-report questionnaires suggest person does or does not struggle with depression and/or anxiety
Pregnant women will be allowed to participate
Unable to consent
Younger than 18 years of age
Reports struggling with suicidal thoughts
Judged to have alcohol, substance use, and/or eating disorder
A Phase 2a/b, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel Group, Multicenter, Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of OG-6219 in 3 Dose Levels, in Women 18 to 49 Years of Age with Moderate to Severe Endometriosis-related Pain
A 16 week double blind treatment period to investigate the safety and effectiveness of 3 doses of the study drug vs placebo for endometriosis related pain.
There will be 8 onsite visits and 2 phone visits, blood will be drawn at the onsite visitsThere is an ediary that must be completed every dayStudy exams include a TVU ultrasound, ECG, vital signs, urine pregnancy tests and blood work
age 18-49
documented surgical diagnosis of endometriosis
moderate to severe endometriosis pain
regular menstrual cycles
chronic pelvic pain not endometriosis related
pregnant or breastfeeding
hereditary abnormal hemoglobin or hemolytic anemia
uncontrolled hypertension
This study is being done to answer the following question:Can tomosynthesis mammography, three-dimensional x-ray imaging of the breast, lower your chance of developing life-threatening breast cancer through routine screening compared with digital mammography, two-dimensional x-ray imaging of the breast?We are doing this study because we want to find out which of the two usual approaches to breast cancer screening are better in the early detection of life-threatening breast cancers.
Patients must be scheduled for, or have intent to schedule, a screening mammogram.
Patients must be able to tolerate digital breast tomosynthesis and fullfield digital mammographic imaging required by protocol.
Patients must be willing and able to provide a written informed consent.
Patients must not have new symptoms or signs of benign or malignant breast disease
Patients must not have had a screening mammogram within the last 11 months prior to date of randomization.
Patients must not have previous personal history of breast cancer including ductal carcinoma in situ
Patients must not currently have breast enhancements (e.g., implants or injections).
Factors Influencing the Decision to Report Sexual Violence on Campus
Research project to understand why students do or do not choose to report sexual assault exposure to police or university officials.
One interview via video conferencing or in person.Optional follow up interview via video conferencing.
$35 for initial interviews; $12 for follow ups
experienced unwanted sex, assault, or harassment during higher education study
currently in undergraduate or graduate program
recently graduated, transferred, or pausing higher education program
Racial background is Black, Afro-Latina, Afro-Indigenous, Black Multiracial
The role of thromboxane A2 and its receptor in vascular regulation in women with endometriosis
Women with endometriosis have more thromboxane being produced in their platelets. Thromboxane affects blood vessels, making them constrict, and sensory nerves, making them more sensitive. This study will determine if women with endometriosis are negatively effected by the excess thromboxane.
There will be three in-person visits: one screening and two experimental visits. Participants will take aspirin before one visit and a placebo before the other then will undergo brief tests of nerve sensitivity and a blood draw.
born with a uterus
with and without endometriosis
hormone replacement therapy within previous 2 months
nicotine use
pregnant or breastfeeding
aspirin allergy or hypersensitivity
Women, Opioid Use Disorder, and Criminal Justice: A Qualitative Study
Opioid-related overdose deaths and incarceration rates have skyrocketed and have disproportionately affected women. Despite having a higher burden of substance use disorders and HIV/AIDS than criminal justice-involved (CJI) men, CJI women are less likely to have access to substance use and HIV treatment. This qualitative study will conduct in-depth interviews with CJI women, MAT providers, and criminal justice professionals to identify facilitators and barriers to illicit opioid use cessation and related issues among CJI women.
substance use
opioid use
criminal justice
drug treatment
Optimizing Maternal Nutrition: Adaptive trials and molecular methods to improve maternal and newborn health
Poor maternal nutrition is linked to poor birth outcomes. Current vitamin and mineral recommendations in pregnancy are based on limited data mostly from animal models and non-pregnant people. This study seeks to improve our understanding of the amounts of vitamins and minerals that are needed during pregnancy, to improve the health of women and newborns, especially in low-and middle-income countries. Nutrients travel around the body in blood, therefore part of the research is to understand how much blood and the watery component of blood (plasma) increases in pregnancy. This is a collaborative study with George Washington University (lead PI is there). The Penn State team will conduct pilot work to establish a method for measuring plasma volume in 2 phases. In phase 1, nonpregnant will be asked to attend one visit and plasma volume will be measured by injecting indocyanine-green (ICG, a green dye) and hydroxyethyl starch (HES, a form of starch) through an IV in the arm. In phase 2, pregnant women will be asked to attend 2 visits that are 4 weeks apart, but only HES (the starch) will be injected. For both phases (1 and 2), blood draws will occur at each visit and other non-invasive measurements will also be taken (e.g. weight, height, blood pressure). Each visit should take less than 2 hours and will be conducted at the Clinical Research Center in Noll Laboratory on the Penn State campus.
In phase 1, nonpregnant will be asked to attend one visit and plasma volume will be measured by injecting indocyanine-green (ICG, a green dye) and hydroxyethyl starch (HES, a form of starch) through an IV in the arm. In phase 2, pregnant women will be asked to attend 2 visits that are 4 weeks apart, but only HES (the starch) will be injected. For both phases (1 and 2), blood draws will occur at each visit and other non-invasive measurements will also be taken (e.g. weight, height, blood pressure). Each visit should take less than 2 hours and will be conducted at the Clinical Research Center in Noll Laboratory on the Penn State campus.
$50 per visit
Are generally healthy with normal blood pressure and BMI
Phase 1 - not pregnant
Phase 2 - are currently pregnant (22-32 weeks)
Currently have low or high blood pressure
Taking regular medication(s) prescribed by a physician
Phase 1 - pregnant or breastfeeding
Phase 2 - multiple/twin pregnancy
The Penn State Personalized Research for Innovation, Discovery, and Education (PRIDE) Program.
The Penn State Personalized Research for Innovation, Discovery, and Education (PRIDE) Program.The aims of the PRIDE Program are to:1. Create a centralized Biorepository using extra blood obtained from a clinically-ordered, or another IRB approved research protocol initiated blood draw, leftover biospecimens that are removed during medically indicated procedures or a saliva sample from consented participants that do not have clinically ordered blood draws or a medical procedure.2. Construct a dynamic database of health and related data (via both manual and electronic abstraction) from consented participants.3. Establish a mechanism for approving use of the banked biospecimens for future research.
The participant will meet with PRIDE Program team member in person to join the study.The participant with supply a saliva sample for the program.There is no compensation for joining the PRIDE Program.
Ability of patient, child and/or parent to understand or complete the consent process
Future of Construction Workplace Health Monitoring
This study will examine different structural designs of stretchable, skin-like sensors on the surface of human skin for construction workplace health monitoring.
There will be one in person visit, you will be asked to sit still for 3 minutes and then move your skin for another 3 minutes.
be over 18 years old.
must understand English.
from Penn State, University Park
cannot understand English
under 18 years old
Use of the Frequen-ZZZ Sleep Pad to Increase Restorative Sleep: A Proof-of-Concept Study
This research is a small, 8wk clinical trial testing the potential effects of an investigational device, Frequen-ZZZ/Sleepergize Sleep Pad, on the sleep of adults 40-65 years old. We aim to determine whether sleeping with the Sleep Pad, which creates an electromagnetic field around the sleeper, has an improving effect on sleep. Sleep will be primarily measured using a non-invasive clinical standard method, called polysomnography (PSG), for 6 separate nights in the personal residence of participants. Sleep will also be measured both day and night with a watch-like device that measures activity, and with surveys. We will look for changes in sleep quality, in sleep duration, and in the way that sleep is organized by the body. We will also measure changes in inflammation, which is related to sleep, from 3 blood samples collected during the study. There are 15-17 in-person appointments across the course of the study. With the data, we hope to also evaluate the feasibility and effect sizes of this non-pharmacological intervention to inform future research, and we plan to use data in support of a future FDA application for the device.
Participation involves sleeping with the investigational device, 6 separate nights of sleep monitoring in your home with standard equipment that is used in clinical settings, 3 blood draws, surveys, and wearing an activity watch, all over the course of an ~8wk participation period. There are 15-17 in-person appointments and about 15 active hours of engagement involved in the study.
At least some Insomnia symptoms
Living without assistance and able to sign own informed consent
Not a nocturnal shift or rotating shift-worker
English speaker/reader
Diagnosed with a sleep disorder
Pregnant, breast-feeding, or planning to become pregnant
Taking prescribed medication or therapy for sleep
Coping with it All from Labor to Maternity
The CALM Project is looking to learn how different birthing classes prepare child-bearers for parenthood. Participants attend a free birthing class between their 20th and 37th weeks of pregnancy with their partners and fill out three questionnaires during pregnancy and postpartum. Three months after their baby is born, they are video-recorded interacting with their baby in their home and have their brain scanned using MRI. We aim to understand how different childbirth classes support mothers' well-being and bonding with their babies.
Women are asked to 1.complete 3 self-report questionnaires online during pregnancy and after their baby is born (45 minutes each)2.attend a childbirth preparation class (from a few hours to a 9-week class)3.participate in 2 in-person sessions (1.5 hours each): a videorecording with their baby in the home and a brain scan using MRI at Penn State Hershey Medical Center.
$160 + free birthing class
At least 18 years old
Speaks English
Pregnancy complications that would prevent you from participating in an online class
Psychological and Biological Determinants of Eating Disorder Pathology in Endurance and Aesthetic Athletes
The purpose of this study is to investigate psychobiological factors that impact the development and manifestation of eating disorder (ED) pathology in elite male and female athletes before and during their competitive season.
The purpose of this voluntary research study is to assess how changes in stress, cognitive flexibility, response inhibition, and reward delay predict the trajectory of eating disorder behaviors and associated side effects of energy deficiency from the off-season compared to the competitive season. Your participation in this study will last approximately the duration of one season of your sport, specifically 4-weeks of data collection prior to season commencement (baseline), 4-weeks of data collection during peak competition season, and 4-weeks of data collection during off-season. The total time spent in the lab will be approximately 10-14 hours. Procedures will occur three times and measurements will be taken twice following baseline measures (once during the peak competition season, once during off-season), if you agree to do so.
A member of a Penn State NCAA Division 1 Sports team, or Penn State affiliated competitive club team, or competitive community sport team
Exercising without any training modifications that reduce training participation.
No serious of chronic health conditions
Currently a smoker or history of regular smoking (including nicotine products, e-cigarettes, vaping)
Medications influencing metabolic or endocrine factors (e.g., hormonal use in previous 6 months)
Medical instability or history of psychosis
Vasectomy (male) or Hysterectomy or oophorectomy (female)
Effect of Nitrate Supplementation on Cerebrovascular function and Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of cardiometabolic disease risk factors on cognitive performance and brain vascular function, as well as, to see if beetroot juice supplementation can improve these outcomes and reduce risk of cognitive decline and brain vascular dysfunction that is seen with aging and disease.
Participants with and without high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar will be recruited. These are all considered cardiovascular disease risk factors.Individuals without multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors will have 2 visits and complete cognitive and blood vessel function assessments. There involves a blood draw in each visit. All study assessments are non-invasive. Total compensation is $30. Individuals with cardiovascular disease risk factors will have 5 total visits and complete cognitive and blood vessel function assessments. Additionally, participants will drink beetroot juice for 4 weeks to determine the potential health benefits on cognitive, blood vessel function, and metabolic health. There will involve blood draws and all assessments are non-invasive. Total compensation is up to $170.
$30 -170
high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol and/or high cholesterol
the above criteria does not apply for the control group
Severe visual impairment
Individuals with any overt cardiovascular, hematologic, pulmonary, renal, musculoskeletal, and/or neurological disease(s)
The Sexual Relationships Study
The purpose of this study is to examine the sexual relationships among heterosexual female college students (ages 18-22) via Qualtrics (a web-based survey). Utilizing latent class analysis with a distal outcome, the proposed cross-sectional study seeks to do the following: Aim 1. Examine the heterogeneity in relationship quality among female college students. Research question 1: Is there a latent class structure that adequately represents the heterogeneity in relationship quality among female undergraduate students participating in penile-vaginal sex? If so, what are the types and their corresponding prevalence?Aim 2. Examine the association between relationship characteristics and latent class membership.Research question 2: Are relationship characteristics (partner type, relationship duration, exclusivity/monogamy, and frequency of sex) predictive of membership in latent classes of relationship quality?Aim 3. Examine the association between latent classes of relationship quality and condom use.Research question 3: Which identified latent class of relationship quality is significantly associated with condom use at last penile-vaginal sex?Please note that the indicators measuring relationship quality will include the following variables: 1) trust, 2) love, 3) passion, 4) commitment, 5) relationship satisfaction, 6) sexual satisfaction, 7) intimacy, and 8) decision-making dominance.
Be between the ages of 18-22 years
Be a female college student
Be sexually active with male partners in the previous 3 months
Are under the age of 18 or over the age of 22.
Are not a female college student
Are not sexually active with male partners in the previous 3 months
Interpersonal contrast avoidance of anxiety and depression
This research aims to learn more about your daily thoughts, behaviors, and their impact on social relationships. We want to understand the different qualities of day-to-day thoughts, how these might affect your mood, and how this may influence how you behave in social interactions. We will first ask you to complete a set of structured questionnaires and a brief 30-minute psychological interview via Zoom. This will be followed by a training session in which you will learn how to use your smartphone to track your social interactions and related daily thoughts and behaviors eight times a day for eight days.
You will undergo an initial assessment visit conducted on Zoom, where you will provide informed consent and undergo screening through a brief 30-minute clinical interview. Based on your responses, we will know if you can participate in the study. If eligible, you will be invited to the second part of the study. If so, during the same session, you will then receive a brief half-hour training session reviewing instructions on using a mobile application to complete daily surveys and then complete a series of online questionnaires.When you leave this session, for the next eight days, you will complete eight (approximately 2-minute) questionnaires daily between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. On the third day, you will attend a compliance check via Zoom to review your progress in the present study.
Scores on self-report questionnaires suggest person does or does not struggle with anxiety and/or depression
Owns a smartphone
Fluent in the English language in terms of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Does not own a smartphone
Unable to speak, read, listen, and write English fluently.