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Asymmetries in Cognitive Aspects of Motor Control and Learning

This study will improve our understanding of movement control and how strokes of different sides affect overall independence. Participants will complete the visit seated at a chair with sensors connected to the less-affected arm. They will then play a short virtual reality game and complete several questionnaires and assessments.


Robert Sainburg
Shanie Jayasinghe - at or 717-531-0003, ext=283146

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Right handed (pre-stroke)
Neurological confirmation of unilateral stroke
Severe paresis on one side only
Adults over the age of 18
Chronic stage of stroke (>3 months post stroke)

Exclusion Criteria:
Left-handed (pre-stroke)
Neuro radiological confirmation of extensive periventricular white matter changes
History of neurological diseases other than stroke
Significant joint pain that is activity limiting
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Hershey, PA ,