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563 Study Matches

Interoception and eating behaviors in children

The purpose of this study is to examine how individual differences in interoception (the ability to sense, interpret, and act on bodily feelings like hunger, fullness, thirst, hot, cold, etc.) relate to eating behaviors in children ages 7-10 years. Findings will inform whether interventions targeting interoceptive awareness may be helpful for prevention of obesity and related chronic diseases.

Child and parent will attend 2 visits at the Clinical Research Center, about 1-3 weeks apart.At visit 1 (~3 hours)- Your child's height and weight will be measured- Your child's percent body fat will be measured using an x-ray based technology- Your child will wear a heart rate monitor and will complete tasks where they are asked to notice or count their heartbeat- Your child will complete questionnaires via an interview with a researcher- Your child will be asked to drink several glasses of water to measure their stomach sensations- You will complete questionnairesAt visit 2 (~2.5 hours)- We will collect 4 saliva samples from your child- Your child will eat a meal and taste snacks- Your child will play brain games on an iPad- You will complete questionnaires



Emily Hohman
Francisca Dungula - at or 814-865-5246
Center for Childhood Obesity Research (UNIVERSITY PARK)

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 7-10 years old
Able to understand and answer questions in English

Exclusion Criteria:
Child BMI <5th percentile
Any medical conditions impacting growth, eating, or heart function
Developmental delay
Autism/autism spectrum disorder
Taking medications that impact appetite
Children's Health, Food & Nutrition
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

An exploratory analysis of commuting satisfaction and travel mode dissonance

The purpose of this research is to explore commuting mobility patterns and satisfaction levels among commuters in different regions and demographics. The study aims to identify barriers to current commuting practices, evaluate commuter opinions and intentions, and understand the implications of travel mode dissonance on commuter satisfaction and overall well-being. This research will also investigate how future commuting policies can incentivize sustainable commuting practices, ultimately aiming to reduce commuting emissions.

Participants will be required to complete an online survey, which will take approximately 10-15 minutes. All responses are anonymous, and participants may choose to skip any questions or exit the survey at any time without providing a reason.


Nikhil Menon
Sohail Asger - at or 906-231-2796
Science, Engineering and Technology (HARRISBURG)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Resident of USA
Are over the age of 18
Are working or going to school (i.e., conducting a commute trip)
Use transportation systems

Exclusion Criteria:
Individuals that do not reside in the USA
Children under 18 years
Individuals who do not work
Not applicable
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PSCI 24-077 A Phase 1b/2 Study Assessing the Safety and Efficacy of Evexomostat (SDX-7320) in Combination with a PI3K Pathway Inhibitor plus Fulvestrant in Postmenopausal Women with Advanced Breast Cancer and PI3K Pathway Alterations Who Have Progressed on or Following Endocrine Therapy plus a CDK4/6 Inhibitor

this trial is looking at introducing a medication to control blood sugars elevations caused by CDK inhibitors.

Participants must agree to come to all study visits, report any new medications to the study team, agree to having blood work done at least 8-12 hours after eating something, take study medication as directed.


Monali Vasekar 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Patient is an adult female ≥18 years old at the time of informed consent(s) and has signed informed consent(s) before any trial related activities and according to local guidelines.
Patient with histologically and/or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of HR+, HER2- breast cancer, as determined by the local laboratory.
Patient has identified PI3K pathway
Patient has locally advanced (not amenable to curative therapy or metastatic) breast cancer meeting any of the following categories:
Patient has measurable disease

Exclusion Criteria:
Patient has inflammatory breast cancer at screening.
Patient has known primary brain malignancy,
Patient has a known hypersensitivity to evexomostat, fulvestrant, alpelisib or capivasertib, or to any of their excipients.
Patient has had major surgery within 30 days
Patient has uncontrolled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

Locomotor Learning in Exoskeleton-Assisted Walking

The goal of this study is to explore how different ways of practicing, as well as paying attention, affect learning to walk while using an ankle exoskeleton. This pilot study will look at whether changing the settings of the exoskeleton and walking conditions frequently or not very often helps people walk better in follow-up tests. It will also examine if asking people to focus on their body (internal focus) or on their surroundings (external focus) improves their walking.

There will be three in-person visits over two days, walking in a lower limb exoskeleton will occur at all three visits.



Rachael Yanalitis
Rachael Yanalitis - at or 412-804-8801
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Able-bodied: Able to walk continuously for 20 minutes and able to walk at least 60 minutes in a 75-minute block of time.
Normal ankle functionality
Age: 18-40 years old
Responsiveness: Subjects must be able to follow verbal instructions
Shoe size: Fit shoes sizes 6-10 (men) or 7-11 (women)

Exclusion Criteria:
Previous or existing neuromuscular or neurological pathologies, injuries, or illnesses affecting gait
Previous or existing lower limb musculoskeletal injuries or conditions (e.g. joint replacement)
Currently using blood thinners, since this could increase the risk of bruising
Pregnant women
Subjects with femoral retroversion (duck feet posture) significant enough to cause exoskeleton collisions while walking
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State College, PA ,


This trial is looking at what happens to muscle invasive bladder cancer when adding cevumeran to Nivolumab

Participants will be required to keep all study appointments, tell the study doctor about all medications they are taking, report any side effects to the study doctor.

$202 for each visit completed


Monika Joshi 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
muscle-invasive UC of the bladder identified based on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the pelvis, abdomen, and chest as cT3-T4 or N .
Surgical resection of muscle-invasive UC of the bladder or upper tract
Cisplatin ineligible
Absence of residual disease and absence of metastasis,
ECOG performance status of 0 or 1

Exclusion Criteria:
Pregnancy or breastfeeding,
Any approved anti-cancer therapy, including chemotherapy, or hormonal therapy within 3 weeks prior to initiation of study treatment
Any prior neoadjuvant immunotherapy
Adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy for UC following surgical resection
Absence of spleen
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

BCC022: Phase II Trial of Tipifarnib and Naxitamab for Relapsed/Refractory Neuroblastoma

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the investigational drug, tipifarnib (a pill taken by mouth), in combination with the FDA approved drug, naxitamab, administered intravenously (IV; a liquid that continuously goes into your body through a tube that has been placed during a surgery into one of your veins).

You will be asked to come in for screening and at the start of each cycle (every 28 days), and at the end of study treatment to have tests done (these may include a physical exam, blood tests, and electrocardiogram [ECG]). During the first cycle you will need to have blood tests done weekly. You will also need to come in during Days 1-5 of each cycle to receive the study treatment. You will also have scans and a bone marrow biopsy (tissue sample) and aspirate (fluid and cells) done at the start of study, every 2 cycles, and at the end of study.


Valerie Brown
Suzanne Treadway - at or 717-531-3097
Pediatrics: Hematology/Oncology (HERSHEY)

This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age ≤ 21 years at initial diagnosis
Age >12 months of age at enrollment
Age 6 years or older for safety run in

Exclusion Criteria:
Age less than 1 year
Currently receiving another investigational drug
Prefer not to display
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Hershey, PA ,

A Confirmatory Phase 3 Mutlicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Efficacy of Topical HyBryte (Hypericin Sodium) and Visible-Light Activation for the Treatment of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL).

The purpose of this trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 18 weeks of HyBryte (topical gel) treatment in combination with visible light therapy in subjects with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma when compared to placebo (no active ingredient). Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), of which the most common early stages are also known as mycosis fungoides (MF), is the most common type of T cell lymphoma. Participants will be enrolled in this trial for 30 weeks and will follow up at the clinic site every 4 weeks following the last trial treatment for a total of 12 weeks.

Participants will attend in person visits over 30 weeks. At different timepoints throughout the study participants will have their skin evaluated and photographed, have blood drawn, have an ECG done, and apply the study medication as directed by the study team.


Christopher Bazewicz
Samantha Gettle - at or 717-531-5136
Dermatology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Participants must have a clinical diagnosis of CTCL (MF)
Participants must have a minimum of 3 evaluable, discrete lesions
Participants must be willing to follow the clinical protocol and voluntarily give their written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:
Certain medications are not allowed to be used during the study; study coordinator will discuss.
Participants with extensive skin disease may not be eligible to participate; investigator will discuss during skin evaluation
Certain medical conditions may not be eligible to participate; study coordinator will discuss further.
Skin Conditions, Cancer
Experimental drug compared to a placebo/”sugar pill”
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Hershey, PA ,

Using the Socio-ecological Model to Assess Correlates of Physical Activity Participation Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults

The purpose of this research is to examine correlates of physical activity participation among self-identifying sexual and/or gender diverse (e.g., non-heterosexual, non-cisgender) adults, guided by the socio-ecological model for health behavior (i.e., individual, social, communal, environmental).

Eligible participants will be invited to complete an open-link online survey that should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete. There will be no other research activities after this unless individuals indicate that they would like to participate in a follow-up interview by indicating their interest on a separate form at the end of the survey.  Participants who agree to take part in the interview (from the survey) will be contacted via email and an interview day/time will be scheduled. Three days before the interview, there will be an email reminder sent. Interviews will take place via Zoom at a day and time to be chosen by the participant. 

Participants will be eligible to enter a drawing for a $50 gift card once they complete the survey. If you opt in to participate in the follow-up interview portion of the study, you will receive a $25 gift card for your time.


Keegan Peterson
Keegan Peterson - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 18 or older.
Identify as a sexual and/or gender diverse identity (i.e., non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender).
Be able to participate in physical activities (e.g., exercise, sport).
Be able to read and write English.

Exclusion Criteria:
Under the age of 18.
Identify as heterosexual (i.e., straight).
Unable to participate in physical activities (e.g., exercise, sport)
Unable to read and write English.
Prevention, Sports Medicine, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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PSCI 24-018 Phase 1, open label clinical trial to treat Stage IV cancer patients with multiple patient-specific mutated cell surface proteins with chimeric antibodies

This study will examine if giving patients their cells that have been modified in the lab will help control their cancer.

Subjects will be required to come to all visits. Each treatment will take 2-5 hours and there will be a total of 10 treatments over a 14 week period.


Monika Joshi 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Stage IV cancer of the following types: breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder urothelial carcinoma, and stomach cancer.
Subjects who have refractory or progressive disease after at least 1 line of systemic treatment
Subjects must have measurable disease

Exclusion Criteria:
Insufficient tumor tissue for whole exome sequencing.
Known human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Subjects who have received any cytotoxic treatment within 3 weeks of antibody treatment.
Subjects who have received any radiotreatment to the primary sample site within the last 14 days
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

NUTRI-Beta Study: A Pilot Clinical Trial for Children with New Diagnosis of Stage 3 Type 1 Diabetes

This will be a 12-week single blinded, randomized, nutrition clinical trial for children with new diagnosis of stage 3 type 1 diabetes (clinical diagnosis of T1D). Beta cell function will be measured after 3 and 6 months.

Study participants in the intervention group will be required to follow the intake of specific foods and adhere to specific nutrition guidelines in addition to follow with a registered dietitian for 12 weeks (4 in person visits and 3 virtual visits). All these visits will be compensated. All study visits will be seen for a screening visit, an enrollment visit, 12-week visit and a 24-week visit. During the study visits, participants will undergo the following: physical exam/ demographic/social evaluation, clinical nutrition evaluation, nutrition counseling, dietary intake assessment, blood test collection, 2-hour Mixed Meal Tolerance Test (MMTT) and anthropometry.



Lina Huerta-Saenz
Erica Miller - at or 717-531-5656
Pediatrics: Endocrinology (HERSHEY)

Younger than 18 years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
New diagnosis of type 1 diabetes < = 60 days
Age 6-17 years old, any gender
Attendance to the Pediatric diabetes clinic at Penn State Health in Hershey, PA
Positive antibodies for type 1 diabetes

Exclusion Criteria:
Age older than 18 years old
History of seafood allergies and/or milk/dairy related allergies
Type 2 diabetes
Food sensory disorders
Pubertal children
Children's Health, Food & Nutrition, Diabetes & Hormones
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

Research on Survivorship Experiences: Disparities in cancer-related outcomes between rural and non-rural cancer survivors in the catchment areas of the Big 10 Cancer Research Consortium's Population Science Working Group

The objective of this cross sectional survey study is to describe the social and psychological outcomes of cancer survivors and characterize the disparities between rural and non-rural cancer survivors. We will collaborate will members of the Big 10 Cancer Research Consortium's Population Science Working Group to invite cancer survivors in rural and non-rural communities to complete one online survey, with each site targeting cancer survivors in their catchment areas. At Penn State, we will target recruitment to cancer survivors living in Pennsylvania. We plan to enroll 150 participants. It will take participants 30-40 minutes to complete the study and they will receive a $15 Amazon gift card for their time and effort.

If eligible, study participants will be asked to complete one online survey about their experience as a cancer survivor. Potential participants will first complete a REDCap screening form, if eligible, they will view the consent form. If they provide consent, they can complete the survey. A member of the Penn State study team will call the participant to confirm eligibility and once confirmed, will issue a $15 Amazon e-gift card. The entire study should take between 30-40 minutes to complete.



Jennifer Moss
Leonard Kishel - at or 717-531-0003, ext=321657
Family and Community Medicine (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
diagnosis of primary pathologic breast, colorectal, lung, melanoma, prostate, uterine, endometrial, or blood cancers (leukemia, lymphomas)
non-metastatic cancer
1-5 years post completion of active treatment
no current evidence of cancer
living in certain counties in south central Pennsylvania

Exclusion Criteria:
no internet access
cannot speak or read English
unable to provide informed consent
less than 18 years old at time of cancer diagnosis
Not applicable
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Dining Out in NYC: Using VR to investigate the influence of multisensory urban design factors on eating behavior in emerging adults

This study uses virtual reality to investigate how sensory aspects of an environment influence eating behavior. Specifically, subjects will be immersed in a virtual outdoor café environment and consume a standardized meal while being exposed to either a pleasant or unpleasant smell. Total food intake and mood will be measured following each visit.

Answer initial screening and demographics questionnaires. Two in-person visits to the lab to experience a VR setting and consume a provided meal. One visit will include a small hair sample. Answer questionnaires following the VR experience.

$20 in Amazon gift cards


Travis Masterson
Christina Blackmon - at
Nutritional Sciences (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Ages 18-29
Fluent in English
Not color blind or nose blind
No food allergies/sensitivities
No diagnosis of mental or physical disabilities that may affect appetite, eating behavior, or body awareness and balance (such as eating disorders, Major Depressive Disorder, epilepsy, and vertigo)

Exclusion Criteria:
Younger than 18 or older than 29
Not fluent in English
Color blind or nose blind
Self-reported food allergies/sensitivities
Have diagnosis of mental or physical disabilities that may affect appetite, eating behavior, or body awareness and balance (such as eating disorders, Major Depressive Disorder, epilepsy, and vertigo)
Food & Nutrition, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

The Use of Micro-Doppler Radar for Fall Risk Assessment: A feasibility pilot

The purpose of this research is the understand the feasibility of using radar to identify older adults at high-risk for falls. We will enroll two groups of participants 65 and older: one group who self-report at least one fall in the past year and a control group that has no reported falls. Participants will move in front of the radar tool while we measure their movements. We will use machine learning algorithms to determine if there are differences in the movement patterns of those who have fallen versus those who have not. We hope that using the radar tool will be an effective method of identifying older adults at high risk for falls, thus enabling fall risk prevention interventions.

Participants 65 and older will come to one, 30-minute in-person visit at the Lebanon Valley College in Annville, PA and will perform a variety of movements that mimic activities of daily living. You will be asked to stand still, to get up and down from a chair, and to walk a short distance. You will be asked to repeat each of these movements several times while study team measures these movements with a radar device.



Cayce Onks
Leonard Kishel - at or 717-531-0003, ext=321657
Family and Community Medicine (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
age 65 and older
able to walk 20 feet without stopping
able to walk without assistive devices
Fall Group: at least 1 fall in the past year
can read and write in English

Exclusion Criteria:
age less than 65 years
self-reported chest pain or shortness of breath when walking less than 20 feet
any surgeries in the past 3 months
history of lower extremity surgery that would alter normal gait mechanics (e.g. amputation))
chronic neurodegenerative disease or cognitive impairment
Prevention, Sports Medicine, Muscle & Bone
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

Children's appetite regulation study

The purpose of this study is to determine whether girls and boys regulate their appetites differently. Children will attend 1, 3 hour session in the laboratory, complete some surveys and health measures, donate saliva, and eat pizza.

Children will come to the lab for a 3.5 hour session where they will wear a heart rate monitor, conduct some surveys, have their veggie intake measured, provide some saliva, and eat some pizza. Parents will attend the lab visit with the child and complete questionnaires about feeding and the home environment.

$50 plus travel costs for &gt; 20 miles from lab


Kathleen Keller
Rhea Sarma - at
Nutritional Sciences (UNIVERSITY PARK)

This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Age 4-6 years
Healthy without food allergies
Parent in charge of feeding able to attend with child

Exclusion Criteria:
Younger than age 4 or older than age 6 years
Children with medical problems or taking a prescription medication that may affect appetite
Children who are not willing to eat pizza in the laboratory
The parent in charge of feeding decisions cannot attend with the child
Children's Health, Food & Nutrition
Not applicable
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State College, PA ,

Maintenance Obinutuzumab for primary central nervous system lymphoma complete or partial responders

The study will compare participants with primary central nervous system lymphoma which responded to initial treatment and are thereafter treated with Obinutuzumab (the study drug), with participants with primary central nervous system lymphoma which responded to initial treatment and are not treated with the study drug.

In addition to your routine care, you will be “randomized” into one of the study groups described below. You will have a MRI of your brain approximately every three months (plus or minus two weeks) for two years. You will undergo a neurocognitive assessment and complete a quality-of-life questionnaire two years after study entry.Group A – Obinutuzumab ArmIf you are in the first group ("Group A") you will be given the study drug every two months for two years. Every two months you will have your vital signs taken, your blood drawn (one to two tablespoons), and you will be given the study drug through an IV infusion into your vein. Group B – No Obinutuzumab ArmIf you are in the second group ("Group B") every six months you will have your vital signs taken and your blood drawn (one tablespoon).


Dawit Aregawi
Micaiah at or 717-531-0003, ext=283063
Neurosurgery (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
CD20+ B-cell primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) confirmed at the time of diagnosis
Must have undergone first-line treatment with high-dose methotrexate-based chemotherapy regimen with or without brain radiotherapy
Must be within 75 days of completion of first-line treatment regimen at the time of randomization
18 years or older

Exclusion Criteria:
History of severe allergic or anaphylactic reactions to monoclonal antibody therapy
Clinical evidence of extra-CNS (systemic) non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Known hypersensitivity to any of the study drugs.
History of other malignancy that could affect compliance with the protocol or interpretation of results
Known active bacterial, viral, fungal, mycobacterial, or other infection or any major episode of infection requiring treatment with IV antibiotics or hospitalization
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

Exploring the effects of nighttime indoor light exposure on children with autism spectrum disorder

This study aims to identify potential differences in psychological and physiological responses to indoor light at night and to offer recommendations for optimizing the sleep patterns, circadian rhythms, and sensory regulation of children with ASD.

Parents and/or caregivers of children with ASD will fill out surveys and collect saliva samples.



Dorukalp Durmus
Merve Oner - at
Architectural Engineering (UNIVERSITY PARK)

Younger than 18 years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Children with ASD
Aged 9-15
Sleep difficulties

Exclusion Criteria:
Candidates who cannot guarantee that they will refrain from using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and psychotropic medications
Disorders such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, or periodic limb disorder during sleep
Children with fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome, neurofibromatosis, or tuberous sclerosis complex and children who had a non-febrile unprovoked epileptic seizure within the last two years
Sleep Management, Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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von Willebrand Factor in Pregnancy (VIP) Study: A Multicenter Study of Wilate Use in von Willebrand Disease for Childbirth

Specific guidance is lacking for pregnant women with von Willebrand Disease (VWD) and delivery planning in terms of how high a von Willebrand factor (VWF) level should be achieved. Specifically, guidance is lacking on whether replacement therapy drugs (Wilate &amp; Tranexamic Acid) should target a VWF minimum level. This study is a prospective study to document the rate of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and the effectiveness of the dosing of Wilate, looking to provide increased management and guideline recommendations.

Pregnant women will come to clinic at 34-38 weeks of pregnancy, observation at time of labor or C-Section, during delivery,72 hrs. post delivery &amp; 5-7 days vaginal delivery or 7-10 days if C-Section.


Peter Cygan
Cynthia Campbell-Baird, RN - at or 717-531-5777
Medicine: General Internal Medicine (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
VWD patients who are pregnant
Type I National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute criteria
Gestational weeks 34-38

Exclusion Criteria:
Presence of disorders of hemostasis, platelet dysfunction or collagen disorders
Presence of liver or renal disease
Suspicion or diagnosis of preeclampsia or eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, TTP or DIC
Blood Disorders, Pregnancy & Infertility
Approved drug(s)
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Hershey, PA ,


This trial will examine if disease progression improves with Fractionated vs. Steriotactic Radiosurgery.

Participants must agree to the type of radiation they are randomized, keep all appoiintments and rpoert any side effects.


Sean Mahase 717-531-5471
Radiation Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Pathologically (histologically or cytologically) proven diagnosis of one of the following solid tumor malignancies within 5 years prior to registration:
Patients must have at least 1 and up to 8 total intact brain metastases
All brain metastases must be located outside of the brainstem
No more than 2 lesions planned for resection
No known leptomeningeal disease

Exclusion Criteria:
Not Pregnant and Not Nursing
No prior radiotherapy to the brain
No active infection
No hepatic insufficiency
No chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation
Not applicable
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Hershey, PA ,

PSCI 23-002 CAMBRIA-2: A Phase III, Open-Label, Randomised Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Camizestrant (AZD9833, a Next Generation, Oral Selective Estrogen Receptor Degrader) Versus Standard Endocrine Therapy (Aromatase Inhibitor or Tamoxifen) as Adjuvant Treatment for Patients with ER+/HER2-Early Breast Cancer and an Intermediate-High or High Risk of Recurrence Who Have Completed Definitive Locoregional Treatment and Have No Evidence of Disease

We are asking you to take part in this voluntary research study because you have ER+/HER2- early breast cancer with no evidence of disease following surgery. The purpose of this voluntary research study is to better understand the studied disease and associated health problems.

Participants will be required to come to all study visits, take the medication an instructed, let the study team know what medications you are taking, especially over the counter ones and to report any changes in how you are feeling.


Monali Vasekar 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Capable of giving signed informed consent
Patient must be ≥18 years
histologically confirmed ER+/HER2- early-stage resected invasive breast cancer

Exclusion Criteria:
inoperable locally advanced breast cancer
a history of previous breast cancer
Chronic gastrointestinal disease
Major surgical procedure or significant traumatic injury within 2 weeks of randomisation
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

Feasibility and Acceptance of Financial Data Collection in Populations with Bipolar Disorder

Risky financial behaviors during symptomatic episodes of bipolar disorder are included in the diagnostic criteria of this psychiatric illness. Literature has called for granular, longitudinal financial data analysis, although only recently have open banking technologies made this a more realistic possibility. Participaints will be asked to use a data collection application in order to submit financial transaction data via Plaid's open banking API.

In a one-time Zoom session, participants will:--Complete surveys about demographic information and clinical scales related to bipolar disorder. --Interact with an application to securely transfer their deidentified financial records to be compared with clinical scales --Provide insights on their financial behaviors in relation to bipolar disorder, current financial management practices and challenges, and the involvement of others in these management practices



Jeffrey Brozena
Jeff Brozena - at or 814-325-7039
Information Sciences and Technology (UNIVERSITY PARK)

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Bipolar disorder diagnosis (any type)
Has a bank account accessible by Plaid API (most financial institutions are supported)
Access to a personal device capable of participating in Zoom calls for orientation and interviews
Currently residing in the US

Exclusion Criteria:
No diagnosis of bipolar disorder
Major physical illness or cognitive impairment affecting their participation
Lack of access to a personal device capable of participating in Zoom calls for orientation and interviews (e.g., only has access to phone or tablet)
No banking access or unable to access personal web banking features through a financial institution compatible with Plaid API
Non English speaking
Mental & Behavioral Health
Not applicable
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PSCI 24-041 Elacestrant versus Standard Endocrine Therapy in Women and Men with Node-positive, Estrogen Receptor-positive, HER2-negative, Early Breast Cancer with High Risk of Recurrence—A Global, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-label Phase 3 Study (ELEGANT)

This trial will compare the use of elacestrant versus standard endocrine therapy in those who are node positive, ER +, Her2 - with high risk of the cancer coming back

Participants will be expected to come to all visits, take all study medication as instructed by the study doctor, report any new medications, prescription or over the counter, report all side effects.


Cristina Truica 717-531-5471
Medicine: Hematology and Medical Oncology (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Adult women or men aged ≥18 years old, or older if required by local regulations, at the time of informed consent signature.
Histopathologically or cytologically confirmed ER-positive (≥ 10% by immunohistochemistry [IHC]), HER2-negative [IHC = 0 or 1, or (IHC = 2 and ISH-negative)]
Participants considered at high risk of recurrence
Participants who have received at least 24 months but not more than 60 months of endocrine therapy
Participants are to be between 2 to 6 years from the date of curative surgical resection

Exclusion Criteria:
Participants with inflammatory breast cancer.
Participants with stage IV metastatic breast cancer.
History of any prior (ipsilateral and/or contralateral) invasive breast cancer
Major surgery within 4 weeks of starting study therapy
Experimental drug compared to an approved drug
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Hershey, PA ,

A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study toAssess the Efficacy and Safety of Barzolvolimab in Patients withChronic Spontaneous Urticaria Who Remain Symptomatic DespiteH1 Antihistamine Treatment (EMBARQ – CSU2)

A clinical research study called EMBARQ-CSU, which seeks to assess an investigational study medicine that has the potential to expand treatment options for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU). CSU is a skin condition also known as chronic hives or long-term hives that is characterized by raised itchy welts on the skin that persist for six weeks or longer with no known cause.

If you decide to take part in this research study, you will have a screening phase where you will have procedures to determine if you meet the requirements to be in the study. These include a physical exam and an electrocardiogram (ECG) which will measure the electrical activity of your heart. You will also be required to give blood and urine samples. If you are a woman who can have children, you will also need to take pregnancy tests.If you qualify and agree to take part in the study, you will receive injections of barzolvolimab or placebo (the placebo contains the same ingredients but without barzolvolimab) under your skin every 4 weeks for 6 months. After 6 months, everyone will receive barzolvolimab for an additional 6 months, involving visits every 4 weeks. During the study, you will continue to have physical exams, blood taken for testing, and urine tests.You will need to complete a daily diary.


Timothy Craig
Kristina Richwine - at or 717-531-4506
Medicine: Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care (HERSHEY)

18 year(s) or older
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
Male or female, ≥ 18 years of age at the time of signing the informed consent.
Diagnosis of CSU ≥ 6 months prior to Screening.
CSU remains despite a stable dose and regimen containing a second-generation antihistamine.
Agree to use highly effective contraception.
Willing and able to comply with all study requirements and procedures, including the completion of a daily symptom diary during screening and throughout of the study.

Exclusion Criteria:
Receipt of a live vaccine within 2 months prior to Screening (participants must agree to avoid live vaccination during study treatment and within 3 months thereafter).
Diseases with possible symptoms of urticaria or angioedema.
Phototherapy with ultraviolet (UV) A or UVB within 4 weeks of Screening.
Diagnosis of idiopathic anaphylaxis or a history of anaphylaxis.
Women who are pregnant or nursing.
Infectious Diseases & Immune System, Allergies
Experimental drug compared to a placebo/”sugar pill”
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Hershey, PA ,

Evaluating Nurses’ Pain Management Competency in Dementia Using the Pain Competency Evaluation in Dementia (PACED) Scale

This study examines nurses' pain management competency in nursing home residents with dementia using the PACED Scale. Specifically, we will recruit 60 Licenced Practical Nurses (LPNs) and 60 Registered Nurses (RNs) working in nursing homes in Pennsylvania. The PACED Scale is an established scale by the principal investigator to evaluate nurses' pain management competency in persons with dementia and this study will use the PACED scale to rate the nurses' pain management competencies.

Participant will complete a 1-hour study online, including a demographic survey and 2 virtual clinical scenarios and pain management notes related to residents with dementia experiencing pain.

$25 gift card


Yo-Jen Liao
Yo-Jen Liao - at

18 year(s) or older
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
18 years and older
English speaking
Working as a RN or LPN in nursing homes for more than 3 months in Pennsylvania
Have professional experience caring for persons with dementia

Exclusion Criteria:
Pain Management
Not applicable
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